I wanted to let you know that the Meowmies had a lovely day remembering Stormie. Firstly the Meowmies went to the Cambridge Pet Crematorium where Stormie was cremated. Even though Stormie is not buried at the pet crematorium, the Meowmies wanted to go there and visit the Gardens of Rememberance and spend some time thinking of her. They also planted a little silver birch tree in the gardens. amongst an established group of silver birches. We are not sure this is really allowed... but we hope the gardener doesn't rip it out, but finds it and lovingly cares for it.
After the visit to the Gardens, they went on and spent the reast of the day in Cambridge, visiting the market where Meowmie L bought Meowmie J a book about the seashore. Meowmie J was flicking through it and stopped at a page that caught her eye that had a picture of a beautiful beach on it...it was called Storm Beach! How coincidental is that? Maybe Stormie is sending little messages to us from The Bridge...After the market they stopped for somthing to eat and then wandered down to the River Cam and watched the world go by. It was a lovely day. Meowmie L then came home and gave me and Timmy some chicken, in memory of Chicken Face.
Here is the picture of the little silver birch tree for Stormie. Have a good weekend everyone xxx