Well...what better way to remember Stormie than BEING DRAGGED to the Vet Place today for a 'check-up'! A check-up if you please! Not even a valid reason to take me, no injections, nothing wrong with me...just a silly check up!!! I protested SO loudly when Meowmie took me from our home, I screamed like a human baby in great pain...but Meowmie STILL took me to the Vet Place! I tried my best to embarrass her but all she said was "Oh Castle, you are such a big baby, not like your brave sister at all!" So I buried my head into my blanket and howled all the way until Ben Vet took me into his consulting room....for my 'check up'. Ben Vet was very sweet (as usual) and was pleased to see us all, and hoped that we were doing OK.
Meowmie hasn't mentioned it before but I have three lumps around my rear left leg - one of them I have had for years, but the other two are recent discoveries. Understandably, because of Storm's recent illness, the Meowmies were worried. Thankfully though Ben Vet said he was 99% sure they were just fatty cysts. PHEW! My diet is working too...I have also lost some weight - I weighed 6.5kg (14.4lbs) in April and now I weigh 5.84kg (12.8 lbs), so my diet is going very well! Ben Vet was very pleased!
IMPAWTANT: Ben Vet has some very important exams to pass in August so please send him purrs and wish him the best for his tests! He has asked the Meowmies to go out and celebrate with him when he gets his results...Good luck Ben Vet!
IMPAWTANT: Ben Vet has some very important exams to pass in August so please send him purrs and wish him the best for his tests! He has asked the Meowmies to go out and celebrate with him when he gets his results...Good luck Ben Vet!
Today has been incredibly hot in the YooKay..Meowmie went out this afternoon and has come back and is bright red!! Here are some pictures of me and Stormie on a very hot day in May last year...we were out for the count in the coolest room in the house! Meowmie was very worried how Storm would cope with the heat as at the time she was doing her chemotherapy protocol. Stormie was fine though...she coped with heat no problem!

Happy Meezer Monday!

Happy Meezer Monday!