I got myself TWO awards to announce! This is truly incredible cos Meowmie hasn't helped me visit at all lately, so we are humbled that people still visit us and think about us. I am going to FORCE Meowmie to make time each week to come and visit you all. She really needs to organise her time more efficiently.
My first award is from the lovely
Black Cat and is the Blogging Friends Forever Award. Black cat's friend 'Pinky' is thinking of adopting a cat - you must drop by and encourage him as mush as possible! I have had this award before so will share it with my fiend, Timmy Tantrum. Although they may already have it, I would like to pass this on to
Casey Meezer Diva,
Fat Cat Muffin and
Miss Peach.

My second award is from Niko and Cloud, who now live with our old pal Texas's Slaves. This award is the 'I Love Your Cats' Award and we are so happy to get this from these two little adorable balls of fluff! I have to share this one with Timmy anyway, as it was awarded to both of us. We shall pass this on to
Kaze, Latte and Chase,
Daisy and Harley,
Jan's Funny Farm and
KC and ML
You know, I am such a nice cat to Timmy, he needs to start being a bit nicer to me though. He just wants to nip me, bat at my back legs and chase me around, which is OK sometimes as I like a game as much as the next nearly-13-year-old-cat, but at other times I just want to chill. Luckily for me, cos he can't quite see properly he loses sight of me if I run from him quickly, and because his ears aren't quite right he mostly can't hear where I am, so he just sits there looking a bit confused sometimes.
I don't think we have mentioned that we think Timmy's vision might not be quite right did we? Well, basically we don't think his periphery vision is very good cos Meowmie dangles toys by the side of his head and he has no idea they are there, plus a couple of times he has hissed and jumped at a cat-size cat statue that my Meowmie has. He also misjudges heights and a few times when he has tried to jump up on the sofa he hasn't quite made it...and vice versa, when he has jumped down from soemthing he lands a bit hard or not quite on his feet, as if he reached the floor sooner than he thought he would! It's not enough of a disability to hinder him though, he still jumps around after wand toys...but Meowmie just has to move them a little slower so he doesn't lose sight of them.