Timmy went for his first visit to our adorable Ben Vet last week and the poor little fellow has got a sore tooth - a frontal lesion - which means that the soft core is exposed and is probably causing him pain. This explains why he doesn't like his chin or cheeks rubbed, he pushes the Meowmies' hands away with his paws (and sometimes nips at them too).
As suspected, Timmy has also got vision problems. He has a big cataract in his left eye, severly limiting his vision. He also has a cataract in his right eye which isn't as big, but will obviously have a negative impact on his visual capabilities. Ben Vet said he will be fine and will adapt as his vision worsens, so we are not operating or anything like that.
And then there is the suspected heart murmur...Ben was listening very hard to Timmy's heart and he heard something irregular, a sort of 'whooosh' sound in amongst the 'flub-dub' sound. This is going to be monitored as ben was not 100% sure about this.
As for his toilet problems (the blood in the poo, and the excessive amount of pooing)...we think this is just due to a delicate stomach and we have therefore changed his food to Royal Canin Sensitivity Control to see if that makes a difference - he certainly seems to be going for a Number Two less frequently now - twice a day instead of four times a day!
We haven't cuddled much and Meowmie hasn't seen us wash each other for a while, but we live along side each other calmly, respecting each other's space (mostly). I am still Top Cat obviously, as this picture verifies:

Anyways, Timmy is off to the Vet Place again tomorrow, if his suspected heart murmur has gone then he will have his tooth out under general aneasthetic, if not then he will come home and take some anti-biotics for a few days and then go back for the operation later next week.
Castle x
Aww, poor Timmy! We hope he gets fixed up soon!
Poor Timmy indeed! Its a good thing he came to the right home to make him better. I sure hope it all goes well!
Poor Timmy! So many things going on. We are so glad he got such a loving home where someone will care for him and help him manage all these issues.
Poor Timmy :( I hope he can have his extracted soon as it must be painful. Sorry to hear about the other health issues, too.
Ohhhh Castle, I feel so bad for poor Timmy. I hope that he can get that bad toothie taken out because that will make him feel so much better ... I know because I had to have some removed too. My brothers and I will be purring and purraying that he will overcome his troubles really soon. He is so lucky to have you and your Meowmies!
Purrs and headbutts,
Poor poor Timmie! Maybe his toofie is making him cranky - we'll send some purrs his way!
Hi Timmy,
... be sure to put that toof under your pillow and get some treats.
... you deserve it after all you've been through.
Oh my! Poor Timmy has lot to deal with all at once. Get better, Timmy!
Poor Timmy! Meowm says its a bitch getting old.
We will purr for him to get that tooth pulled and start feeling tons better.
We are sorry to hear that Timmy's tooth is bothering him. We hope it gets taken care of and that he doesn't have a murmur. But if he does, he is lucky to have gotten your meowmies for his forever family. They take good care of you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Oh poor Timmy! The tummy thing is easy to control once you know what it is. My brother Ramses has it and as long as Mummy sticks to easy to digest dry food and lots of meat he's fine. I think many cats have this as we weren't built to eat anything but meat! The Royal Canin Digestive Comfort is another good dry food for this sort of issue as it's mostly fish protein in it. We all like it here! :) Oh and Bozita meat is great as it's very few additives in it and is over 90% meat - Mummy's about to pick up our next big order of that! Yummy!!!!
Anyway I have some funny lyrics to make you all giggle on my bloggy today, hopefully Timmy will even giggle with you over them regardless of his sore mouth! ;)
Ouch, toofie prollems is aweful! We sure hope he doesn't haf a heart prollem too. Dat kinds stuff scares mom cuz of our little Teddy dog who died when his little heart couldn't take any more...he hadded a whoosh sound alla time and it was cuz a valve in his heart was weak.
Poor Timmy - bad teefs can make you grouchy. Hopefully BenVet can get everything set right in no time!
Aw, no wonder poor Timmy is cranky. I hope Ben Vet will be able to take the ouchy tooth out very soon and that Timmy's heart will be okay. At least his tummy seems to be getting better:) xxx
That is a lovely baskit. I sorry for Tim's sickies.
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