One day left and then we get to meet Mr Turkey!
Meowmie J is cooking Mr Turkey because she is the best cook and her cooked birds are perfect! Last year Stormie devised a CUNNING PLAN to distract me from Mr Turkey...this year I have Timmy with me and to be honest I am not sure he is as intelligent as Stormie so there will be NO WAY I can possibly miss a morsel of that lovely meat. Wow, a year brings many changes...
This is our first Chrimbo without Stormie, and we know that some of you are also going to miss someone special this year too...but they haven't gone far, we know in our hearts that our Stormie is here with us, especially when Mr Turkey gets served up!
We hope you all have a WONDERFUL Christmas time!
The Meowmies, Castle and Timmy
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Monday, 15 December 2008
Meezer Monday
(dedicated to my sister Stormie)
A happy Meezer Monday to you all!
Today I am going to look back and remember my lovely sister and celebrate one of her milestones. Two years ago on December 16th she was first diagnosed with lymphoma and started treatment, then a year later she decided to celebrate still being alive (and exceeding her 6-9 months of remaining life prediction) by creating the Extra-Ordinary Gold Star Award.
In honour of my sister I am going to revive the award as there are so many new kitties around who deserve this award - and lots of 'old-timers' who do too!
The Extraordinary Gold Star Award was created by my sister Storm, The Furry Fighter - and is for Bloggers who have achieved or done something special. The award celebrates beyond what is ordinary or usual.

1) Post the explanation and rules of the award and link back to the blogger who presented you with the award and repeat the reason why you received it.
2) Pass the Award on to THREE other Bloggers who you fink deserve it and explain why!
So here are my three awardees:
Deb at The Taylor Catssss - for doing so much for the Cat Blogosphere, raising funds for sick kitties and going beyond what is usual in helping others.
ML at Missy & KC - for the exact same reason as above!
Niko & Cloud's Mum & Dad - for being brave and caring and nursing their adorable Texas through lymphoma so carefully...and for giving a home to two wonderful little kittens :)
There are soooooo many more people that deserve this award too, so I hope it manages to get around and bring a smile to those who receive it!
Love Castle Pants (and Timmy Tantrum)
A happy Meezer Monday to you all!
Today I am going to look back and remember my lovely sister and celebrate one of her milestones. Two years ago on December 16th she was first diagnosed with lymphoma and started treatment, then a year later she decided to celebrate still being alive (and exceeding her 6-9 months of remaining life prediction) by creating the Extra-Ordinary Gold Star Award.
In honour of my sister I am going to revive the award as there are so many new kitties around who deserve this award - and lots of 'old-timers' who do too!
The Extraordinary Gold Star Award was created by my sister Storm, The Furry Fighter - and is for Bloggers who have achieved or done something special. The award celebrates beyond what is ordinary or usual.

1) Post the explanation and rules of the award and link back to the blogger who presented you with the award and repeat the reason why you received it.
2) Pass the Award on to THREE other Bloggers who you fink deserve it and explain why!
So here are my three awardees:
Deb at The Taylor Catssss - for doing so much for the Cat Blogosphere, raising funds for sick kitties and going beyond what is usual in helping others.
ML at Missy & KC - for the exact same reason as above!
Niko & Cloud's Mum & Dad - for being brave and caring and nursing their adorable Texas through lymphoma so carefully...and for giving a home to two wonderful little kittens :)
There are soooooo many more people that deserve this award too, so I hope it manages to get around and bring a smile to those who receive it!
Love Castle Pants (and Timmy Tantrum)
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Six Months On...
Today marks 6 months since I last cuddled up to my Stormie, she passed away on June 13th. Stormie, we miss you so much and a day doesn't go by without us thinking about you.
Fittingly it is also The Dedication of Lights Day at VA Siamese Rescue...and our friends Kaze, Latte & Chase over at Simply Siamese have made a dedication to Stormie...we do not think they know the significance of the date for this is a magical coincidence. Thank you.
If you would like to see the dedication it is currently on Page HERE.

We would also like to send our thoughts to all the other families of the Meezers and cats who appear at the Dedication of Lights, we lost some good friends this year xxx
Fittingly it is also The Dedication of Lights Day at VA Siamese Rescue...and our friends Kaze, Latte & Chase over at Simply Siamese have made a dedication to Stormie...we do not think they know the significance of the date for this is a magical coincidence. Thank you.
If you would like to see the dedication it is currently on Page HERE.

We would also like to send our thoughts to all the other families of the Meezers and cats who appear at the Dedication of Lights, we lost some good friends this year xxx
Friday, 12 December 2008
A VERY overdue MeMe!
Our two lovely young friends Niko and Cloud tagged me...and Timmy Tantrum...for the 8 Random Things MeMe, they tagged us WAAAAAAAY back in early November. So here are my 8 Random Things, I suppose I had also let Timmy have a voice and do his too...
1. When I was a still a young kitten I liked to play with eggs. Usually, in the middle of the night, I used to take the eggs from the kitchen and drop them outside Meowmie J's bedroom door. When she got up in the morning she was faced with broken eggs all over the hallway.
2. When I was born my litter mates were as follows: 3 Seal-Point girls (Storm was one of them) and 1 Choc-Point boy.
3. I am the biggest purrer ever, you just have to glance at me and I burst into a purr.
4. I love fuss and cuddles, I can not get enough of them.
5. I once caught a bird!!! When i lived with Meowmie J there was a tiny garden I had access to, I wasn't fussed about going in the garden, but on one of the few occasions that i did, I came back with a HUGE blackbird. It was bigger than me - I was only about 6 months old. Meowmie said that the bird was suspiciously stiff and cold, but i SWEAR it was I who caught it...I definitely DID NOT find it i the bushes!
6. As well as Stormie, I had another housemate called Dubbs, but he was a rabbit. We used to play together (supervised), and Dubbs would often get the better of me!
7. I once won 3 months worth of cat food from a cat magazine for being so handsome.
8. I can fetch like a doggie...but the difference is I know what I am doing whereas a doggie just does it because it thinks it should. Cast are brainier you see :)
Timmy Tantrum
1. I like to chase Castle around. Meowmie J thinks I am bullying Castle, but Castle does chase me back sometimes...and he isn't scared of me or anything, not in the slightest. We haven't hissed at each other for months now.
2. I like to snuffle Meowmie L's hair in the middle of the night - particularly around the crown area...I lick her head when she sleeps sometimes too.
3. I rarely purr, maybe I will purr when Meowmie gets in from work, maybe I will purr when I am fed and sometimes I purr in the middle of the night. It is very rare however - Meowmie has only heard me purr three times in the past week - and those were brief.
4. I am adopted from Siamese Rescue, my last Meowmie was an old lady but she died. It is believed that I was an only-cat in my last home.
5. I am a bit blind, a bit deaf and I have a heart murmur...and a stiff leg sometimes.
6. Every morning, almost without fail, between 6.30am and 7.00am I wake up, go and do a poo and then I sit on the floor by the end of meowmie's bed and make a really funny squawking sound until I am fed.
7. I am not a cuddle cat and I do not like being picked up.
8. Even though I am not cuddly or affectionate, I do show my liking for my new Meowmies and brother by making sure that I am with them no matter what room they are in. I will sleep on the bed with them and I will sit on the sofa with them too. I guess I am still working this strange new family out...!
*(&)*^&^&* PUSHES TIMMY OFF THE COMPUTER (*(&er$:i&**
That concludes our MeMe for today. Due to our tardiness in completing this we won't bother tagging anyone as we are sure we are the very last to do it! If not, please feel free to do the MeMe and let us know!
Have a lovely weekend!
Castle (and Timmy)
1. When I was a still a young kitten I liked to play with eggs. Usually, in the middle of the night, I used to take the eggs from the kitchen and drop them outside Meowmie J's bedroom door. When she got up in the morning she was faced with broken eggs all over the hallway.
2. When I was born my litter mates were as follows: 3 Seal-Point girls (Storm was one of them) and 1 Choc-Point boy.
3. I am the biggest purrer ever, you just have to glance at me and I burst into a purr.
4. I love fuss and cuddles, I can not get enough of them.
5. I once caught a bird!!! When i lived with Meowmie J there was a tiny garden I had access to, I wasn't fussed about going in the garden, but on one of the few occasions that i did, I came back with a HUGE blackbird. It was bigger than me - I was only about 6 months old. Meowmie said that the bird was suspiciously stiff and cold, but i SWEAR it was I who caught it...I definitely DID NOT find it i the bushes!
6. As well as Stormie, I had another housemate called Dubbs, but he was a rabbit. We used to play together (supervised), and Dubbs would often get the better of me!
7. I once won 3 months worth of cat food from a cat magazine for being so handsome.
8. I can fetch like a doggie...but the difference is I know what I am doing whereas a doggie just does it because it thinks it should. Cast are brainier you see :)
Timmy Tantrum
1. I like to chase Castle around. Meowmie J thinks I am bullying Castle, but Castle does chase me back sometimes...and he isn't scared of me or anything, not in the slightest. We haven't hissed at each other for months now.
2. I like to snuffle Meowmie L's hair in the middle of the night - particularly around the crown area...I lick her head when she sleeps sometimes too.
3. I rarely purr, maybe I will purr when Meowmie gets in from work, maybe I will purr when I am fed and sometimes I purr in the middle of the night. It is very rare however - Meowmie has only heard me purr three times in the past week - and those were brief.
4. I am adopted from Siamese Rescue, my last Meowmie was an old lady but she died. It is believed that I was an only-cat in my last home.
5. I am a bit blind, a bit deaf and I have a heart murmur...and a stiff leg sometimes.
6. Every morning, almost without fail, between 6.30am and 7.00am I wake up, go and do a poo and then I sit on the floor by the end of meowmie's bed and make a really funny squawking sound until I am fed.
7. I am not a cuddle cat and I do not like being picked up.
8. Even though I am not cuddly or affectionate, I do show my liking for my new Meowmies and brother by making sure that I am with them no matter what room they are in. I will sleep on the bed with them and I will sit on the sofa with them too. I guess I am still working this strange new family out...!
*(&)*^&^&* PUSHES TIMMY OFF THE COMPUTER (*(&er$:i&**
That concludes our MeMe for today. Due to our tardiness in completing this we won't bother tagging anyone as we are sure we are the very last to do it! If not, please feel free to do the MeMe and let us know!
Have a lovely weekend!
Castle (and Timmy)
Monday, 1 December 2008
Meezer Monday - Happy Birthday Timmy!
Today is Timmy's 14th Birthday - to be honest we are not sure of the exact date because Timmy is adopted, but he was 13 years and 9 months old in September, Siamese Rescue said his birthday was in December but did not know the exact date, so the Meowmies decided that December 1st was a good and auspicious date to celebrate Timbo's birthday (and of course, it is easy to remember). Tonight we will have Roast Chicken and catnip toys to celebrate!
Here are some Birthday portraits of the handsome-but-not-as-handsome-as-me fellow:

Now we need to do a 'catch up' cos Meowmie has been unable to blog lately and then she sort of ended up having an unscheduled break from things. We are back now though and will be doing the MeMe's and things that are outstanding in the next few days or so!
Timmy's tooth extraction went very smoothly, it was very funny when he came home that night, he was a bit high from the drugs and he turned into a very affectionate cat. By the next day though he had turned back into Mr Grumpy and is once again VERY frugal with his purring, in fact he rarely purrs but he doesn't seem unhappy or stressed at all, in fact he seems pretty settled and likes to be with me and Meowmie in whatever room we are in at any given time. Is it weird for a cat to rarely purr? Storm and I would burst into a purr just for being looked at!
Timmy's heart scan revealed nothing of concern so his heart murmur is most likely caused by stiff valves and his blood tests were really good for his age too. Ben Vet had a good look over Timmy whilst he was unconscious and discovered that Timmy's third eyelid in his almost-blind, cataract-ridden, left eye has been torn as some point in the past. We are wondering whether this was done at the same time as the rip on his ear and the scar on his nose - and we are also now wondering whether Timmy was a serial fighter in his younger days. We will never know though...
Meowmie celebrated her birthday a couple of weeks ago, Meowmie J surprised her with a trip to Paris. This meant that Timmy and I were left on our own for a few days for the first time since he moved in with us. The cat-sitter told Meowmie that Timmy was very bold and greeted her at the door and danced around her feet begging for food. Meowmie is now confident that she can take a proper holiday trip again - she hasn't been on a proper holiday since October 2006, basically since Stormie first got ill.
We hope everyone is doing well and that all the kitties on the blogosphere are happy and healthy. When you reply to this post please could you leave us a little update about yourself and what's been happening in your life? And here's wishing our American friends a belated Happy Thanksgiving!
Finally, Meezer Mondays are always dedicated to Stormie, and her gift to Timmy is probably the best one - a forever home, and the love of my Meowmies.
Happy Birthday Timbo! xxx
Here are some Birthday portraits of the handsome-but-not-as-handsome-as-me fellow:

Now we need to do a 'catch up' cos Meowmie has been unable to blog lately and then she sort of ended up having an unscheduled break from things. We are back now though and will be doing the MeMe's and things that are outstanding in the next few days or so!
Timmy's tooth extraction went very smoothly, it was very funny when he came home that night, he was a bit high from the drugs and he turned into a very affectionate cat. By the next day though he had turned back into Mr Grumpy and is once again VERY frugal with his purring, in fact he rarely purrs but he doesn't seem unhappy or stressed at all, in fact he seems pretty settled and likes to be with me and Meowmie in whatever room we are in at any given time. Is it weird for a cat to rarely purr? Storm and I would burst into a purr just for being looked at!
Timmy's heart scan revealed nothing of concern so his heart murmur is most likely caused by stiff valves and his blood tests were really good for his age too. Ben Vet had a good look over Timmy whilst he was unconscious and discovered that Timmy's third eyelid in his almost-blind, cataract-ridden, left eye has been torn as some point in the past. We are wondering whether this was done at the same time as the rip on his ear and the scar on his nose - and we are also now wondering whether Timmy was a serial fighter in his younger days. We will never know though...
Meowmie celebrated her birthday a couple of weeks ago, Meowmie J surprised her with a trip to Paris. This meant that Timmy and I were left on our own for a few days for the first time since he moved in with us. The cat-sitter told Meowmie that Timmy was very bold and greeted her at the door and danced around her feet begging for food. Meowmie is now confident that she can take a proper holiday trip again - she hasn't been on a proper holiday since October 2006, basically since Stormie first got ill.
We hope everyone is doing well and that all the kitties on the blogosphere are happy and healthy. When you reply to this post please could you leave us a little update about yourself and what's been happening in your life? And here's wishing our American friends a belated Happy Thanksgiving!
Finally, Meezer Mondays are always dedicated to Stormie, and her gift to Timmy is probably the best one - a forever home, and the love of my Meowmies.
Happy Birthday Timbo! xxx
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