Wow, it's been a while since I posted...that's cos Meowmie is having a break from blogging, things are a bit tough at the moment for her plus she can't find enough time to keep up with all things blogging.
So, today I am 13 years old...I became a Geezer today. Meezers become Geezers at their 13th birthday. Stormie didn't quite make Geezer status though, which me and Meowmie are feeling quite sad about today. Therefore this is my first birthday alone, without Stormie, my litter-mate...on the plus side that means more chicken for me...but to be honest I would rather she was here to share it with. I have Timmy to keep me company and share my birthday chicken with, but it will not be the same.
Me and Meowmie don't feel much like celebrating today, so we are going to remember what fun we had last year when Stormie was still here and our family was complete. Check out last year's party! Stormie, Happy Birthday to you, wherever you are precious girl.

Thank you for stopping by and checking up on us, depsite our lack of blogging. We really appreciate it. We hope you are all well and that your loved ones are well too.
Love from The Birthday Boy
Happy Birthday, Castle! You are a teenager now!
I hope you have a very special day filled with love and hugs and thoughts of Stormie.
Happy Birthday, Castle! We hope you have a wonderful day and that you and Timmie enjoy your birthday chicken.
Happy birthday Castle!
Here's a smooch from me!
We will wish you a happy birthday anyway. And we hope that you have only good memories of Storm today.
Purrs and our thoughts. Do come by when you can or worse! Join facebook and look us up!
Yes, it would be sad to spend your first birthday without your sister. You two were so close.
Still, we hope your day is a special one, filled with love, friendship and some extra chicken.
Happy Birthday, Castle.
Happy Purrthday to you Castle.
happy purfday castle. may you haf a sweet snuggly purrfday.
happy purfday to storm. we bet they is hafin a big party fur hers at the bridge.
Happy Birthday, Castle!! We're sorry that you're having a sad day.
Happy Purrthday Castle, and one to Storm at da Bridge too...mom sez 13 is when yoo get to start being sassy and beans expect it. So, go be sassy dude.
Happy Belated Birthday Castle. We miss your sister very much too, but obviously not as much as you do. We miss you, but understand your need for a break.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Happy Belated Birthday, Castle. I hope you had only good memories of Stormie. I also hope that you and Timmy enjoyed your birthday chicken. Love and snuggles to all of you.
Happy purrthday to you Castle, we hope that you and Timmy and mum enjoy your day, even if it is a quiet one.
I am sure Stormie is looking down on you, watching you gobble down the chicken.
Happy Purrfday Castle. Stormie is surely watching over you and celebrating with you.
Happy purrthday Castle! We're sorry that you and your meowmie are feeling a bit down, but please remember that you both gave Stormie that best fun while she lived with you. We hope that you and Timmy are doing okay and getting on with each other,
{{{hugs}}} to you and to all of your family,
Gypsy & Tasha
Happy Purrthday Castle. We knows Stormie is keepin an eye and celerbratin from tha Bridge.
*hugggggggggs* n PUrrrrrrrrrrrrrs,
Alla Us Hotties
Happy Birthday, Castle! We're sorry that you and Meowmie are feeling a bit down, but certainly understand.
We wish you a happy year with lots of yummy treats!
Charlemagne and Tamar
Happy Purrthday, Castle!!
Maggie May and The Creek Cats
Happy belated Purrthday Castle and Stormie! We miss her too....but not as much as you.
Hope you had a good day anyway. We are certain Stormie was watching over you all day long!
Good Afternoon,
Firstly, Happy Birthday! I love homemade Birthday cards, I think they add a little something extra, and shows the person you are giving it to that you have that extra mile. Only problem is that I have tried in the past to make my own cards, but they look terrible! But I think I may have come found an alternative! Thanks to my lovely friend Imogen, I have now found out about electronic greetings cards, (she sent me one whilst I was in work, there was no occasion - she just wanted to say hi!)But I thought it was such a good idea, I started to look into sending some e-Cards myself. I did quite a lot of research, and spent a lot of time looking at loads of different sites and I have found a really cool Free Happy Birthday Day e-Card site that I really like. This particular site has an awesome application where you can upload a photograph of yourself and incorporate it into your card. This is such a clever idea, and adds that personal touch, and as I already mentioned this particular site is totally free. I think e-Cards are definitely worth a try, they are not for everyone, but I am becoming a fan! Just wanted to share my findings! Hope you find this useful, warm wishes, Nicole.
Happy Birthday Castle! We are glad you have good memories even though you did not feel like celebrating yesterday. We miss Stormie too.
Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Thanks for checking in and Happy Birthday! We understand you don't want to celebrate but we would like to give you some soft kisses anyhow.
Belated Happy Birthday, Castle. I understand not feeling like celebrating as Stormie is no longer with us. I hope you, Timmy and Meowmie had as good a day as possible, comforting each other and reminiscing.
A very happy birthday to Castle Pants, the Geezer Meezer (LOL!)
We hope things get better for your human mom. It's good to see you're remembering the happy times with Stormie, too.
Happy purrthday Castle - I am a 13 year old geezer kitty too! Hope you enjoy the yummy chicken!
Happy belated birthday, Castle!
Mummy and I went back and read about Stormie on her blog and we got rather misty-eyed. You two are very special kittehs!
Dear Castle, I hope you hadded a happy Burfday and that's kool that you are a Geezer Meezer! I will turn three in April, so I will be a Geezer Meezer in ten years.
We Ballicai love you, and we love Stormie. We hope she hadded a wunnerful burfday up at the Bridgie. My Momma's eyes are misty. She wants to give yur Momma a big hug. We can feel how much you miss preshus Stormie. Just always remember that where there is love there is nefur a last good bye.
Love to you and your fambly from the Ballicai and the Ballicus Mom.
Happy Birthday Castle and welcome to the geezer club!!!!!!!!!
Storm did not make it ,so we can remember her as being young and beautiful!!!
I hope you have a great year Castle :)
Purrs Mickey,your geezer friend
Happy Happy Purrthday!
Oh Castle....HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you dear friend....I know how much you miss Stormie...we all do. We love you and know how hard it is to find time to blog. ALways in our hearts...
Love Miss Peach
We are wishing you a very happy birthday, Castle. We're so sorry that things are not as happy this year for you and your mom. It's so hard to lose a loved one! You and Stormie were together since the day you were born so it makes sense your birthday just wouldn't be the same without her. Sending love and prayers your way and hoping your first Geezer year is a very happy one indeed. And for your mom, too! XO
This post gave mom leaky eyes.She just recently lost someone very close to her.It's so hard and the pain is always there.
Happy Birthday Castle(Hug)
Oh wow you don't look 13 yrs old Castle! We're all glad that you and Timmy are doing well, even if your Mum's not helping you keep your bloggy up to date...
PS: Isis is pregnant and due on Valentines Day! :)
We are late, but still wishing you a happy day.
We miss Stormie, too. She was very special.
It is hard to keep up with blogging, we understand!
~ The Bunch
Dearest Castle, Happy Birthday to you and Stormie! I am sorry to be late. Mom had a bad headache the past few days, maybe it was a virus but she felt sick... now I am sad that I missed your special day by two days! :-(
I DO know where Stormie is. She is with Caesar and they are very happy. we miss them. Mom says she misses Caesar a lot still, so we know for certain that all of you miss Stormiekins.
purrrs and lots of love
Happy birfday Castle. I'm sure you will have a lovely day even if it is a reflective one. Stormie isnt as far away as you might think. As soon as you think of her, the Bridge is that bit closer so that you can hear her say " happy birthday my darling, have fun "
Dearest Castle, I hope you and Meowmie and Timmy had a nice day, though I realise it can't have been the same without Stormie. I'm sure she was with you in spirit celebrating your geezerhood! {{{HUGS}}} xxx
Happy berfday! :)
Happy Belate birthday~!!
A few days ago we had 3 birthdays here all in one as Isis bought us 3 new kittens to love! :) Oh and My Marie's been busy too making a Blurpy girl! :)
Hope you are OK!
Hi Castle,
My humans read Stormie's entire blog in one evening just after my best friend Panther got sick from lymphoma and went away. They are very sad, but now they give me and the other one who lives in their house extra love.
But they keep coming back to your blog to see what has been happening recently but keep getting the same page about your birthday. So I'm asking you on their behalf if you could write some more about what has been happening in your life. I'm sure that would make them happier. Pretty please with cherries on top!
Thanks Castle,
From Timtam
(I'm a lilac point Siamese yay!)
Edit by the human: Timtam refers to Mumble as "the other one who lives in their house" as he doesn't like his adopted sister very much. Mumble is a white and tortoiseshell domestic. Timtam says she's common, and she says he is a snob.
We are so sorry we missed your birthday! Happy belated birthday! We still miss our Anastasia, and Edgar, very much - we understand how hard the first birthday alone is....
We hope you are doing o.k. though....
We hope you are doing well. We haven't heard from you in a while. We are missing you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
We have been wondering how you are doing and hope you are all well.
STill thinking about all of you there. I hope all of you are well.
Love always always Princess and
We are missing you!
Castle, we think about you all of the time, we love you and we miss you! We hope life is purrfect for you, Timmy and your Meowmies ... and we still think of your sweet sisfur Stormie all of the time too, she is our angel meezer as well as yours.
Many hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan
Hi there, sorry I missed your birthday Castle. Remembering lovely Storm too. FAZ
Just checking in to ask if you are all okay. I hope you are and will start blogging again soon, even if it's only now and again if your Meomies are still busy :) xxx
Castle I hope you don't mind, but I've named the daughter I'm keeping here with me with your sweet sister Storm in mind. It's just she was amazing and brave in fighting lymphoma and since my human family has been so deeply effected by cancer and are in need of some brightness in their lives. So my sweet little girl is called Et Seti-Ra, after Set the god of Storms and Ra the sun god. A full explanation of the name is on my bloggy...
Purrs and love,
Isis and the Lovelynx Abys
Hey guys, we just wanted to stop by and check on you. Hope you're all doing well. Hugs and purrs to all of you.
Hi Castle and Timmy! We love you!
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
I guys. I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you're all OK. purrrrrrs
Ok so this is a shameless plug but I just started some blogs for my cats. Not a heck of a lot there at the moment, just some introductions, but we'll get there!
I was inspired to create these after reading Stormie's blog after my own cat succumbed to intestinal lymphoma, and after reading Castle's blog I'm rearing to go!
So if you're interested you can see our kitties at:
Hi, we are just checking in to see if you are okay. We haven't heard from you in a while and we miss you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
And I hear you have a gotcha Day here too! I hope it is wonderful! We think of you and miss you and your family.
Happy Gotcha Day, Castle Pants!
Happy Gotcha Day for today (and also for Apr 27th!) - You can have two gotcha days if you want!
- Timtam, Mumble & Misu (& Craig & Caroline!)
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