He had a check-up on Friday and Caroline Vet confirmed that he had 'days, not weeks left'. Frustratingly to look at him you would not think anything was wrong, he is so normal and well and playful, eating and....well...just like the Timmy we have always known - apart from the big tumour growing in his cheek and jaw.
It has got to the stage where the tumour is starting to break the skin on his cheek, this morning he scratched it (it is obviously bothering him now) and he made it bleed and opened up a wound - nothing serious, but the wound won't heal now and will only get worse the more he scratches at it. According to Caroline Vet things go down very quickly once the tumour breaks through the skin, and we don't want Timmy to suffer so we have organised for Faye Vet to come to the house tomorrow at 2pm to send Timmy on his way. We feel that maybe a day or two too early is better than a day or two too late. Mummy will then take his body to the vets where they will keep him safe for a few days, and then on Saturday Mummy is going to collect Timmy and take him to the same crematorium that Stormie went to.
Timmy turned out to be such a lovely brother - we had a totally different relationship to the one Stormie and I had, but it was a good one and we became close very quickly. I am vey sad that I am going to lose another friend. We all feel totally honoured to have had Timmy in our lives for the past 18 months...but now it is time for him to meet Stormie, and also to be reunited with his First Mummy, who is now obviously calling for him from wherever she may be.
We hope Timmy was happy with us, we sure enjoyed having him around. Here he is getting a brush down on Monday night (you can see the tumour on the left hand cheek and the start of his wound, it is now about the size of a penny) and the next image is of him enjoying a chicken this afternoon...yeah, I reckon he may have liked it here...

Thank you for your kind thoughts and support...it means a lot to us, even though we hardly blog anymore we have never forgotten any of you xxx