Now my Meowmie really should have posted a little while ago about this...but she never has time to blog anymore...however, cos it's my birthday and cos she also wants to say THANK YOU for not forgetting us, she is going to spare me some time I can introduce to you my new brother!!!!! Meet....Mayfushang Vittorio, otherwise known as TIGGER. He is a an Oriental chocolate tabby. Tigger joined us on Meowmies birthday - November 13th. He is almost 16 years of age (in April 2011). His story goes like this....
For the first 14.5 years of his life he lived a happy life with a family and two other cats, Burmese brothers. Unfortunately due to work commitments the family had to keep putting the three cats into a cattery, it got to the point that the three cats were spending more time in a cattery than at home, so the owners made the hugely difficult decision to rehome their pets via the Burmese Cat Club. They went to a family who were around in the day and didn't travel abroad all the time. Unfortunately the new family had three young children and although the two Burmese brothers settled, Tigger HATED his new, noisy, boisterous home and started spraying everywhere and turned into a very nervous, highly strung cat. So he ended up back at the Burmese Cat Club Rescue on his own. Meowmie saw him advertised and decided to give him a chance to be my friend...Tigger spent the first few weeks hiding from Meowmie (he liked me though) but he has gradually come out of his shell, gained confidence and seems very relaxed here now - he hasn't sprayed at all, and what is even better is that our integration only took TWO DAYS! We pretty much became instant friends! I am so glad he is here, I spent almost 7 months alone after we lost Timmy cos Meowmie couldn't find a suitable friend for me, however the day Tigger arrived I immediately stopped howling at night when Meowmie returned from work, and I became my own cat and settled down again. are some images of my handsome new brother...he has worked his way into hearts very quickly!
Lots of love
Castle and Meowmie L xxx

Oh doesn't he look lovely.Sometimes it takes a bit to find the perfect family but I think you all are purrfect for him!!! We are so glad you updated us, Castle!!! YEAH!
Hello Tigger
It is so nice to meet you, what a sweet boy you look like. We are glad you were able to settle into such a good forever and ever home. You have special paws to follow!
Happy Birthday, Castle!! How nice that you got a new brother to pal around with!
Hi Tigger! Nice to meet you!!
Don't furget me, don't furget me, I's posted it on the CB furst! That counts.
Heh heh heh. Usually don't get so pushy, but I love Castle and Stormie so much.
And now there is Tigger.
He is gorgeous.
I wish more folks would adopt experienced cats. You'd be surprised what you can learn from them.
They are so cool, remember mine brofur Charlie Taylor?
And Castle, you are one of tha most handsome mancats ever :: blushes ::.
Love & Purrs,
Oh, it's so nice that another older kitty has joined your home. It's good to meet Tigger. We can imagine he is very happy there now that he has settled in. He must be very good company for you, Castle. Again, Happy Birthday.
Oh man, dis is good fur yoo and good fur Tigger and really good of yoor mom! We missed yoor purrthdy? Happy Belated Purrthday Castle! And welcome to Tigger.
Hi Tigger,
Nice to meet you. I'm sure you'll get on very well with Castle!
Lote of love,
Oh Castle, Tigger looks like an absolutely delightful brother for you. We are glad that you two became such fast friends. We hope your birthday is fabulous.
Cody and Gracie
Tigger is adorable, and we are so glad you all found each other and can enjoy life together now.
Happy belated birthday wishes Castle and welcome to Tigger - he is a furry handsome fellow as you are too. We are so happy he settled down quickly and you are now best buddies.
Hi Tigger, you are very handsome. We are glad you have got a loving Forever Home that is right for you. Castle, we are happy for you that you have a new brother to love.
Happy Belated Birthday Castle and Congratulations on the adoption of Tigger. We are so glad you have a friend to play with and that Tigger has a home.
Belated happy birthday--we hope you had a pawsome day--and welcome to Tigger!
happy purrfday a day late! and welcome Tigger! you are a VERY handsome boy!
Happy Belated Birthday to you and Angel Stormie, Castle, and we are SOOOO happy to meet your new brofur Tigger, he is so handsome! And we are SOOOO glad that you and he bonded so quickly and you aren't lonely anymore, we have the biggest smiles just thinking about it! And God Bless your Meowmie for giving Tigger a new furrever home!
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan too
Pee Ess ... we still miss Stormie bunches and bunches, and think of her and of course you too very often.
Happy belated Purrthday Castle and Stormie!
So nice to meet you Tigger! We are so very gladyou have adopted Castle and Meowmie L. Do youknowyou picked a great home? You did! You will be loved and cared for like never before! You look like a handsome mancat and we look forward to seeing you a bit more!
We're so happy to hear that you are doing well, Timmy. Welcome to you, Tigger! We're so glad that you found a lovely home and a new brother and we hope that we get to hear more about you.
Charlemagne, Tamar and little brother Mal
Whoops - our mommy can't type very well. We meant her to type Castle, not Timmy. (sorry about that - we're working with her it.)
Charlemagne, Tamar and little brother Mal
Happy belated birthday, Castle! Your new brother Tigger looks like an awesome kitty!
Tigger is a real good looker!
Happy Birthday(Belated) Castle and Angel Stormie!!!
Castle, we are so happy you have a new friend and that you both get along!! Companionship is a wonderful thing!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Happy Birthday! Aren't February birthdays the best? Go ahead and eat lots of sweet treats:)
Such good news! I have been reading your blog for awhile and have enjoyed seeing how Castle is so welcoming of a new furry...and he seems to be such a contended cat He is gorgeous ...and looks like he is happy with his handsome new friend. It is heartwarming to see that you have opened your heart to another cat in need of a loving home/
Hey Castle, we just wanted to stop by and say HI to you and Tigger, we were thinking about you two last night!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Hi Castle - Happy (very) belated birthday to you!!!
And welcome to you, Tigger!!!! We're so glad that you found a great new home with Castle and Meowie L!
It's so nice to hear that you two are getting along so well and that you're such fast friends. We're still working on getting our new little brother, Mal, integrated - it's a much slower process on this end.
Wishing you both lots of fun days and cuddles and treats,
Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal
Hope you had a great purrrthday, Castle. Purrrrrring that you and Tigger are still handing in there, cuddling with each other and Meowmie.
We just wanted to stop by and wish you a very Happy Birthday, Castle. We hope your day was filled with treats and lots of kitty presents. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals
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