Dear Stormie
It's been just over two weeks since we last saw you...on the one paw it seems just like yesterday when we were cuddling up on the sofa together, but on the other paw it feels like a lifetime since I last washed your ears and made sure you looked pretty for Ben Vet's visit.
I call for you every day, numerous times, but you don't come to me. The last time I saw you, you were very still, I checked to see if you were OK, I put my nose in your ear but you did not move your head, or twitch you ear; I washed your legs and bottom and neck but you did not raise your head towards me; you did not close your eyes with contentedness as I carefully groomed you; I laid next to you, watching over you but you did not tuck your head into my body like usual. I think these things might have something to do with why you are not coming to me when I call for you now.

The Meowmies try their best to comfort me; they make sure I am not left alone for too long at a time; Meowmie J comes to the house much more and is taking anti-histamines again to help with her allergies - but, as before, this is not sustainable as these tablets are not good long-term solutions. Meowmie J should be OK with these for a little while though - hopefully until I feel more accepting about your absence Stormie and can be alone for greater periods of time.
The Meowmies have been treating me well - I have a new shoelace to play with, and they also bought me a nice soft, fluffy pad from IKEA for our Flecta-Bed, which feels too big without you. I am also on a diet because I ate too much of your food when I shouldn't have done - I even have a nice set of bingo-wings as evidence of my gluttony Stormie. I know I didn't steal from you cos you didn't want the food anyway as your appetite had disappeared, so technically I was just clearing up for Meowmie. Look at my bingo-wings Storm!
At night I cuddle up with Meowmie L pretty much as we always have done - at first, just after you went away, I slept on our square fleece pad - the one that you were very still and quiet on that last time I saw you - but now I am happy to sleep on Meowmie's legs or I crawl under the duvet and Meowmie L cradles me in her arm. I miss cuddling you though Stormie...we were always so close and always cuddling each other and I always chose to sleep curled up with you every night when you were here. Humans can appreciate how wonderful it is to curl up with a cat too so no wonder I always chose your soft fur instead of bare human flesh!
Life is different without you Stormie, you are greatly missed. The Meowmies are very sad that you are gone, they cry sometimes but they said something about your illness having gone away, that you are now in a special place and that you would always live in their hearts. Well, I suppose that if you are in a special place and living in their hearts that is why you don't come anymore when I call for you...I am sure that if you could come back though, you would.

I know that you liked to blog Stormie, and that you met some wonderful cats and Humans in the process, so in your honour I am going to take up the mantle and do my own blog and hopefully your friends will become mine. I thought it best to leave your blog as it is - it is your beautiful story Stormie, there is nothing else to add. In your memory though, whenever I blog on Meezer Monday it will be about will never be forgotten by us dear Stormie...
Until next time my beautiful sister...
Castle xxx
So glad you's got a bloggie, Castle.
:: sniffling ::
... beautiful....
Love and purrs,
::sniffs:: That's beautiful Castle. We're already your furriends. We'll come visit you as much as we can!
your bud Pepi and the rest of the Hotties
We are so very happy that you have your own blog now Castle. We miss Stormie too, but it would really haf been too sad to not hear from you! Take care of the meowmies, and take it from us, the loneliness will go away a little at a time, but look closely and you will see Stormie in the shadows and you can talk to her all the time.
That's a beautiful story. And a great set of bingo-wings too! We do miss Storm, and we are glad you can dedicate Mondays to her memory.
Luf, Us
Oh, Castle. That was absolutely beautiful. I am all leaky-eyed again.
I am so happy you have your own blog now. I think it is a wonderful idea to dedicate Mondays to sweet Stormie. Purrs to you and your Meowmies, my friend!
We are typing this through tears as I too lost my sister just recently.
Oh Castle, that is just a lovely post and introduction to your own blog.
♥ from your friends,
the Purries of
Purrchance To Dream
and Not The Mama, too!
Dear Castle,
I am so happy that you will have your very own blog. I shall add you to my blogroll and make certain to visit you often.
I know that you must still be grieving for your sister, but I am certain your Meowmies are doing everything to help you feel less lonesome.
Take good care Castle, your new blog looks wonderful!
CASTLE!!!! It is so good to see you blogging!
Purrs to you. It is very hard to loose someone you love. I am glad that you and your family are bonding together right now. You all need each other.
Dear Castle,
You are such a sweet, sweet brother. That was beautiful to read.
Your bingo wings are a hoot.
We are glad you have your own blog now and it looks great.
Purrs to your Meowmies and you,
Goldie and Shade
Oh Stormie, yoo made our eyes leak...we know yoo miss yoor sisfur, we all miss her, but it's good that yoo will be blogging and amembering her. As da Meezer's sed...sit quietly and she will come to you.
Awww Castle..that is so sweet. I am sorry you are missing her, but I am certain she is watching over you. Hang in will get a bit easier with time.
our Lady is all leaky-faced. we'll be sure to come by and visit lots. don't feel lonely - Stormie is watching over you.
pee ess: our word verification word is "mawru". we even know how to say that!
Oh Castle I'm so happy you're joining in! We all miss Storm so you're not alone. We'll be whenever you post!
Castle, we are so glad to you are going to blog. We've been worrying and wondering about you all.
ppurrrrrrrrsssss from The Clowder
It's great you have your own blog, Castle, and lovely tribute to your sister. Maybe you won't feel so lonely wif us visiting you. We miss Storm, too, but we are looking forward to getting to know her brother better.
Mindy & Moe
Oh Castle, that was just lovely! We're sorry that you're missing Storm, but it sounds like you are getting into a new routine. We're glad that you decided to blog too - we'll be here.
Castle, we are so glad you are blogging and we hope it will make you a little less lonely for Stormie. We think that you cuddling with Meowmie L when you go to sleep is the very bestest thing for both of you.
Oh, Castle, what a beautiful post! I think you already have many friends. I am so very happy that you are going to blog. That's a great tribute to Storm. I cannot wait to visit you some more.
::::purrs softly:::
This was a furry nice posting especially to let us know how you've been feeling. We here at ManxMnews are all glad you have decided to blog on because we would love to get to know you better..
Oh, Castle, sniff, sniff, we are so glad you have started your own blog. You are right. Storm's blog is complete and it is wonderful to welcome you back into our lives.
It is so hard when you lose one you love. You have great moms to comfort you and one day you will see Storm again.
purrs and tail wags
Spirit and Ezra sez... That letter made our Momma's eyes go all leaky. We fink you are berry brave and beautiful.
MomBean, stop crying...:( I just have something in my eye, that's all.
That was a touching tribute to Stormie. She will be remembered for many many naps. We look forward to reading more from you, Castle.
Acors yoo iz part of da bloggysphere. An I iz happies yoo gots yur own bloggie now. We wuld miss yoo iffen yoo didna blog.
We're so glad your now blogging, Castle.Mommy would write more but she's bawling.
Purrs, Muffy
I'm so glad your doing your own blog now! Everyone in my house has been wondering about you and hoping to hear more from you. I'm adding you to my reader so we can always know what your up to.
That was a lovely letter to your sister. You are the best brother anyone could hope for. I'm sure that she is proud of you and watching over you always.
Hi Castle :)
That was a lovely letter to Storm. We are so happy you will be blogging because you are already our friend!! WE feel a bit sad still but we are glad we have memories.
For now,lets have fun, and enjoy each other's company!!!
We need a little cry now,but we will come back to play tomorrow :)
Purrs & Headbutts,Mickey Georgia & Tillie
Castle, that was a wonderful trbute. It made our Mommy's eyes leak. We are happy that you are blogging now and look forward to getting to know you lots better!
That was a beautiful letter to Storm. You made all of us have leaky eyes. We are glad you are having your own blog and we will visit regularly, (although not for two weeks as we are about to be made purrizinners again.)
Purrs and (((((((hugs))))))) furrom Eric and Flynn
Welcome castle!
I am also from london and new to blogging. Was terribly sorry to hear about Storm. My feeder grew up with brother/sister siamese cats, one seal and one blue point, just like you & storm.
Here's hoping blogging will help you through a difficult time.
minnie the cat
*sniff*, Momma's eyes are leakin. What a beeyootiful tribyoote to your lovely and sweet and brave sistur. We Ballicai are all yur furriends and always will be. We are so glad yur gonna blog. We're sendin you and yur fambly lots and lots and lots of love.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hi, Castle! ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))
I know you must miss precious Stormie so very much. I can't imagine life without my big brother Brainball, who helped my Mom raise me from a kitten. It is hard to say goodbye to loved ones but thank goodness loving hearts hold the love and precious memories forever and ever and ever.
I'm glad you're blogging! You are a special friend to all of us Ballicai.
Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.
Hi, Castle! Alpha Cat of the Ballicai here. We are all so happy that you will be blogging. We think of you and your family every day, and we will always remember precious Stormie. Stormie and you will always be our friends.
Floofy headbonks and rumbly purrs from Brainball.
*sniffle*, dear Castle, what a beautiful tribute to your much-loved sister. I'm so happy that you will be blogging. You're a dear and special friend to us Ballicai, and we're sending worlds of love to you and your family.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Castle it is so good you hear from you! Mom can hardly write her eyes are leaking so! We are glad you are blogging and we will put you in our blog roll to come visit you! We miss Stormie, too and now we hope to know you Castle better.
Your FL furiends,
Dear Castle,
There will never be another Stormie, She will always have a special place in all who know her story.
I'm very happy that you have started your own blog! Think of all the fun ahead sharing stories, and all the smiles to share too.
Yr Pal Bezzer
what a beautiful post Castle. i'm sure it is difficult for you. when my mommies first woofie went to the Bridge, his brother (they were close and had been together 13 years) was very sad. she had an "animal communicator" come out (who does Reiki too) and that helped Comet very much.
i'm sure you are a great comfort to your mommies as they are to you. i'm happy you have your own bloggy now so we can be very much your special friends too.
Oh Castlepants . . . *sniffles*
I just know everything you said here.
We know your pain and sorrow, it never goes completely away but we are trying to find the right place for it to settle and that is what you will do too.
YOu are a lovely brother to start your own bloggie and I will come and visit you. Yes, you have great friends here.
Love always, Princess
Hi Castle,
I am glad you are taking up for Stormie on the blogging front. I liked her reports of her life in London.
You wrote a furry touching letter, no tribute, to Stormie. You made mum's eyes get all leaky.
Castle I wuz so hopin yoo wood blog.
Yoo know, my Mommy thinks of yoo EVERYDAY. When she leeves in the Shevvie she drives by "Castle" street. So thare jes ain't a day she duzzint git reminded about yoo. We have all bin wondrin how yoo is doin without Stormie.
Oh and part of why we jes got insurance is becuz of Stormie. Mommy sez yur mums set a good example.
Dear Castle, we are so happy that you decided to have your own blog and stay with us in the great wonderful cat blogging community!
Your letter to Storm was very sweet, we miss her very much too. She now is with Emil and Anastasia, and Miral and Ralph, and so many others, she will be fine!
It is hard for us who stay behind, we know. So let us comfort each other and think of the good times we had with our brothers and sisters while they were still here.
Oh, Castle... Mommy's eyes got leaky reading your lovely tribute to Storm. We also want to say that you are a very handsome Meezer.
Purrs, Ghost & Jade
Castle, I am so happy that you decided to do some blogging. We will always miss Sweet Stormie but always liked to hear about you too! That is such a nice letter you wrote to your sister, Stormie!
Purrrrrrrrs, Willow
Castle, I am so glad that you are blogging now. We will always hold Sweet Stormie dear in our hearts but are so happy that we will be able to visit you in London! I just saw that I am almost the same age as you as I will be 12 in 2 months!
Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat
I'm so happy you decided to blog Castle. Hopefully it will help you not miss Storm so much. But if you really need a seal point meezer gal, I'll send Tara over periodically for a visit. Warning, she is not quite as snuggly as Stormie!
Castle, we are glad that you've started blogging. We can only imagine how much you must miss Storm, and how much your mommies miss her. We miss her dearly too, but she taught us so much about love, live, and strength.
Hi Castle, it's nice that you are blogging now! We all miss your sister Stormie here too, she was quite a special lady, so no wonder you miss her... You have the best Meowmies ever to look after you so well and help you adjust to life with no Stormie in it. But as you said, she is in all our hearts now and forever! A tiny bit of her in the heart of each of your friends, while most of her is in your heart and that of your Meowmies too. So in blogging we will all be able to feel that little bit of Stormie we all now share and I hope it helps fill that Stormie shaped void you have... Even if it's not as soft and furry as she was! ;)
I put my great wisdom down to the excess use of catnip yesterday on my birthday... Honestly I'm usually a bop 'em and pounce kinda mancat! ;)
Tigmut'hep as well as Ramses & Isis
Hiya, Castle! It's me again, MaoMao! We Ballicai have an awardie fur you on our bloggie. It's our way of sayin WELCOME to bloggin!
Lotsa love to you and yur fambly!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
-bogdan, sara, kat3 and jeff
Castle you were such a good brother to beautiful Storm. I know she would love it that you now have your own blog.
Poppy and mum Q
Castle, Stormie's story touched us all, and Mom still can't read it without crying. Welcome to the blogosphere, Castle!
Castle, we are so happy you will stay with us through your own blog! I have added you to my Friends list.
Mom's eyes were leaking as we read your sweet letter and she remembered Storm and our Ones Who Came Before who had to leave. She said we never forget them but eventually it becomes easier to remember them without tears.
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Awww Castle this is such a sweet post for Storm.She will always be in my heart.She taught me many things.I will never forget her.
Your sister was a wonderful girl. I miss her, too. Your letter to her is beautiful.
I am very glad that you've decided to start your own blog, Castle :-)
Dear Castle, no, Stormie did not come when you call her, but I am sure she heard you, she will always hear you!! She will also be proud of you, Castle, that you have started your own blog -- in that way she can always watch over her friends at the CB, and her friends are your friends...
Headbumpies to you and the meowmies
What a beautiful letter!
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