I am lucky enough to have been given TWO more awards! Wow! I am so new to all of this too. My first award is from Storm's good friend, and now my friend, Parker! Thanks Parker! The award is the Sweet Home Blogger Award and Parker gave it to me because she likes my new blog home. I am going to pass this on to The Furry Kids and Sabrina, Sam & Simon.

My next award is the 'Arte y Pico' Award and it was given to my sister's Face Twin, the very handsome HRH Yao-Lin because I am 'practically family'. Cheers Yao-Lin - I am truly honoured! Here is some info about the award:
“The ‘Arte y Pico’ award was created to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creative energy and their talents, whether it be writing, artwork in all media. When you receive this award it is considered a ’special honor’. Once you have received this award, you are to pass it on to at least 5 others.”

I am going to pass this on to the adorable Miss Peach who always make her blog look so pretty! We are also going to pass this on to Adan, because of all the lovely photos on his blog. Princess's blog is always so happy and colourful so I am going to pass it on to her as well. Then I think Alexi deserves this award too as her blog is so pictoral and I also want to put a little smile on her face as she lost her sibling recently too...and finally I will give this to my friend Black Cat cos she makes us laugh and her blog is very entertaining.
Castle, thank you SOOO much for passing this award along to us!!! We are smiling so big and Momma is even leaky eyed! We are so glad you have your own bloggy, and can't wait to learn more about you and see more handsome pictures of you! We are going to have Momma post the award on our bloggy right now! You are a very special furriend ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
That looks like a very soft and comfy rug for sleeping. Congratulations on your awards, Castle!
Congratulations on your award and I thank you very much for the award you've given me. I'm very touched!
Bless you!
Congratulations on your great awardies, Castle! That rug looks very soft!
That's a purrfect sleepy Sunday picture of you Castle. You got some great awards. We are so happy for you.
Dearest Castle,
You sleep so quietly and peacefully~!
I am falling into your dream and sleeping as well~!!!
I am so happy you get more awards~! That is so so great~!!!!!!
My heart always connect with you, I am your very good friend for always~!!!!
Purr and purr
Oh dearest Castle Pants! I am so honored to get this very pretty awardy from you and i want to conCATulated you on having gotten them both!! Friends are so important in the world today...they reach out and comfort and inspire. Thank you for keeping a blog now so we will be able to enjoy knowing you still dear boy. Good luck with the diet too. That must be hard for you and mommy to stick with it... I weigh 5 pounds myself and still eat well and that makes mommy so happy.
Your mail should be bringing your packet any day now too, so watch for it dear...
Castle that is a wonderful photo of you. Congratulations on your much deserved award.
Castle, congratulations on your awards.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
ConCATulashuns on yur awardies, Castle! they are furry well-deserved. And you look soooooooo comfycozy snoozin on that rug!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Castle, I love your sleepy photo! I am also glad that you enjoyed your award!
but...Shhhhh...don't tell anyone, I am a girl!
Congratulations on your awards! And thank you for passing them on to us. :)
Congratulations on your awards, Castle :-)
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