Thursday 14 August 2008


I've got an Award! It is from HRH Yao-Lin, my darling sister's Face Twin. For Yao-Lin to hand me this Brillante Weblog award, well, it is truly an honour. Yao-Lin has given it to me for the resolute way in which I have carried on, despite the loss of my sister.

Thank you Yao-Lin...I miss Stormie a lot and still call for her from time to time. The hardest part of the day is when Meowmie is at work and I am alone. I am not shy in showing my displeasure at being left alone, I yowl at them upon their return until I get cuddles and attention. My voice has changed since Stormie left too - much more Siamese-y and yowl-y. And I cuddle my meowmies differently as well...I like to tuck my head into the crook of their arms, like how I used to bury my head in the curl of Stormie's body when she was cuddling with me in the 'prawn' position. This is me, almost tucking my head into Stormie, I decided to gaze upon her beauty instead.

I would also like to point out that Meowmie will not be getting one of the kittens in the post below to keep me company. Although she loves Thomasina's kittens it is just not practical because Meowmie J is very allergic to 'regular' cats. Meowmie J can just about manage (with histamines) hypo-allergenic cats, like myself. However, should time pass and it becomes obvious I need a friend to spend my days with, the Meowmies are not ruling out finding me an older friend from one of the hypo-allergenic breeds...hmmm, not sure I would be too happy about that! I will never love another like how I love Stormie.

Anyways, I digress, I am going to pass the Brillante Weblog Award along to Moki, Isis and The St. Louis Meezers!


Daisy said...

Congratulations on your award! You have been very brave carrying on since the loss of Stormie.

Did you know Devon Rex cats are pretty hypoallergenic? And we hardly shed anything at all! Just an idea...

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Concatulations on you award!! We are sorry you aren't getting a sibling....maybe later.

Mr. Hendrix said...

congratulations on your award! you very much deserve it.

i think your mommies will know when/if it is time to get you a friend. my mommy's woofie lost his brother of 13 years (both Golden Retrievers) and went on to live a full and happy life for 2 1/2 years as an only woofie. Fifteen and a 1/2 is very good for a golden.

i'm sorry you're lonely. i'll telyport over to keep you company. how about the whole day tomorrow?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Congratulations on your award Castle.

Of course no cat would ever take Stormie's place and you will never love another like her, but perhaps some day when everyone is ready you will love another cat differently (or not). Being an only has some advantages you know...

PB 'n J said...

Concatulations on your award Castle! You are Brilliant!

It would be silly to think that you could love anykitty as much as Stormie, but there's nothing wrong with a pal to keep you busy?! That's why there are three of us now - and we're very busy :-)

Sunny's Mommy said...

Congratulations on your award, Castle :-) Of course you still miss Stormie a lot. She was such a very special and loving girl :-)

Jimmy Joe said...

Congratulations on your award, Castle! You definitely deserve it. I hope that when you're ready, you can get a little brother or sister kitty.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Black Cat said...

ConCATulations on your award darling Castle!!! Those kittens are very cute, but I think Daisy is right... Think on mate (when you're ready). xxx

Motor Home Cats said...

Congratulations on your award Castle. We know what you mean about not loving anyone as much as Stormie - you were littermates afterall - just like we are. But, that being said, you can love another sister or brother almost as much. We love Cody and Camie and she isn't even of our same species, and we tolerate Miss Jade.

Tiki and Tavi

Lux said...

That is such a lovely picture of you & Stormie.

Congratulations on the award!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am very happy that you get this award~! Congratulations~!

And so so sweet photo that you and your lovely sister~!!!! I am thinking of her everyday!