Before he left for the bridge, Texas came up with this Dare. He was too late in handing it in to be included with all the others for voting but as this is a very grave matter we decided to devote this weekend to just do this Dare as an honor for Texas. Here we go:
We, Texas and The Cat Realm, dare you all to do something to raise money for cancer research, especially for cats.
- donate
- volunteer somewhere
- put a link to a site on your blogs
- take the Petey challenge
- those of you with a big non-cat readership go spread the word with human bloggers
- or whatever else you can come up with to help.
Here are some reputable sites you could use
Winn Feline Foundation
The CSU Animal Cancer Center
Do a post about it and let us know where you donated, or volunteered, which link you put on your blog or what else you came up with to help.
Here is your button that you may display if you accept the challenge

Please, please do this for Texas, for Storm, for Rascal, for Petey and all the other furbabies who have suffered with this illness.
Thank you for helping Castle! We sure hope research will help find a cure!
I'm glad you helped Texas, we helped too
I think it was a great dare. BTW did you get a new header on your site? I quite like it. It looks brighter than I remember it.
What a great post. Texas was a great and brave cat, just like your sister Storm. They certainly made me aware of this terrible disease in cats.
I am going to do several things to help out, in honor of Texas and Storm.
This is a really great dare. I'll see what I can do.
we has done it!! we sent green papers to the c.s.u. a.c.c.!! thank you for raising awareness about this.
Thank you so much Castle and Meowmie L! Who is Rascal? Was he a housemate of yours at one time Castle?
We don't have a blog, but we took the dare and donated green papers to the Winn Feline Foundation in memory of Texas. We're very sad that we're lost friends like Storm and Texas to the icky cancer and hope the humans can find a way to prevent it.
Charlemagne and Tamar
My miewmie has pwomised that we will help too.
what a great dare! we will donate in honor of Texas, Storm and all the beans and furries who have suffered from this awful disease.
Oh oh oh we fink we know what your surprise might be! Is yoo gettin a new sisfur or brofur?
We'll see what we can do! This is a wonderful post Castle and we can't wait to see more of you!
Your FL furiends,
We did a post about the two organizations you mentioned. We hope to donate some green papers, too!!
Love, Alexi and the Krasota Castle Cats
Since we've been effected by cancer here too, although not cat cancer we always do our bit. What's even better our local cancer charity always have lovely cat blankets on sale so Mummy gets those for us and has promises each kitten can have one from now on since we only found out that they'll be stocking them all the time a few months ago... They're very cuddly and warm and the cause is so dear to all out hearts that they are pretty much our fave blankets now! :)
Dad planted up the local Marie Curie garden with dafs too, so we'll have to get Mummy to visit it in the spring and take photos of his hard work! :)
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