Here are some Birthday portraits of the handsome-but-not-as-handsome-as-me fellow:

Now we need to do a 'catch up' cos Meowmie has been unable to blog lately and then she sort of ended up having an unscheduled break from things. We are back now though and will be doing the MeMe's and things that are outstanding in the next few days or so!
Timmy's tooth extraction went very smoothly, it was very funny when he came home that night, he was a bit high from the drugs and he turned into a very affectionate cat. By the next day though he had turned back into Mr Grumpy and is once again VERY frugal with his purring, in fact he rarely purrs but he doesn't seem unhappy or stressed at all, in fact he seems pretty settled and likes to be with me and Meowmie in whatever room we are in at any given time. Is it weird for a cat to rarely purr? Storm and I would burst into a purr just for being looked at!
Timmy's heart scan revealed nothing of concern so his heart murmur is most likely caused by stiff valves and his blood tests were really good for his age too. Ben Vet had a good look over Timmy whilst he was unconscious and discovered that Timmy's third eyelid in his almost-blind, cataract-ridden, left eye has been torn as some point in the past. We are wondering whether this was done at the same time as the rip on his ear and the scar on his nose - and we are also now wondering whether Timmy was a serial fighter in his younger days. We will never know though...
Meowmie celebrated her birthday a couple of weeks ago, Meowmie J surprised her with a trip to Paris. This meant that Timmy and I were left on our own for a few days for the first time since he moved in with us. The cat-sitter told Meowmie that Timmy was very bold and greeted her at the door and danced around her feet begging for food. Meowmie is now confident that she can take a proper holiday trip again - she hasn't been on a proper holiday since October 2006, basically since Stormie first got ill.
We hope everyone is doing well and that all the kitties on the blogosphere are happy and healthy. When you reply to this post please could you leave us a little update about yourself and what's been happening in your life? And here's wishing our American friends a belated Happy Thanksgiving!
Finally, Meezer Mondays are always dedicated to Stormie, and her gift to Timmy is probably the best one - a forever home, and the love of my Meowmies.
Happy Birthday Timbo! xxx
Timmy is very handsome - I'm glad to hear all of the good news! Just so you know, my purr is so soft you can hardly hear it and I don't purr often that Mommy knows of. But I am about the happiest girl you ever met.
My siblings are another story - they are purr machines!
Timmy is so handsome, he reminds me of Castle. How wonderful of you to give him such a loving home.
KC has a sinus infection and or asthma she can't seem to lose, so we worry about her.
Other than that, we are all fine, life is very exciting with five young cats and one older, stand-offish tabby.
Love & Purrs,
Welcome back from Maggy and Zoey... we've stopped by from time to time (being part meezer ourselves, it is required that we visit all meezer meowers), and had wondered "where are you?"
And welcome and happy birthday/gotcha/forever home day to Timmie.
See you again soon...
We are so glad to hear that Timmy is as healthy as possible for his age and that he is settling in well. We are also glad that your Meowmie got to take a good vacation.
Our Meowm took a small vacation too! She went to Florida to the Navy UDT-SEAL Museum Muster! She had lots and lots of fun and says she left part of her heart there.
As for us, we continue to have little spats here and there, but Meowm has caught us snuggled quite closely to each other a couple of times doing some mutual grooming. course when she goes to get the flashy box thing, we move.
Welcome back!!!
Oh and Happy Purrthday Timmy!!!!!!!! You look very fierece with your scars!
Happy Purrfday Timmy!
We are both well. Now the weather is cold, we are staying indoors much more instead of going for walks around the fields.
I'm so happy to hear your all doing well.Happy birthday to Timmy and your mom.
We spent Thanksgiving with mom's parents.Mom says grandma spoils me
and I agree.Mom hasn't been on a vacation in awhile either.She says maybe for Christmas yet I won't let her unless she takes me too....Hugs Ariel
Timmy is so adorabibble but certainly not as handsome as you Castlepants.
I am thrilled to have an update on everything. I have missed you very much.
Love and purrrs always, Princess
Happy Purrthday to Timmy! We hope you have a lovely day full of love and treats.
We are glad to read that he's settling in ok and his heart murmer is nothing serious. He has probably been through quite a lot of trauma when he lost his first owner, so he may take a bit longer to get really purry, but some cats we know just aren't big purrers. We are glad your Meowmie had a nice time in Paris too!
Whicky Wuudler
Happy Birthday Timmy! It is so good to hear from you! And you too Castle.
We are the same as always--getting ready for the holidays here and of course many of us on the blogosphere have joined facebook (feel free to look up my human --send me an email if you can't find her).
We were thinking of you and Storm the other day.
Happy 14th Birthday, Timmy :-D And a belated Happy Birthday to Meowmie :-D Enjoy your special birthday dinner tonight!
Happy Birthday Timmy! It sounds like you're going to have a wonderful day.
I am glad the VET found you in good health. I hope your mommy enjoyed her trip! Paris is one city my mommy would love to see. She is desperate to tour London someday too.
I was not a big purrer for the first year plus here. It took me some time to settle in. Now I my purr motor is almost always on!
Things are very boring here which is nice for me. I had my yearly VET appointment and with my new diet I've been feeling so happy, I didn't even need to be gassed! My mommy is on Facebook now too but has been very lazy keeping up.
Oh Concatulations and Happiest of Happy Purrthdays Timmy! We hope that you have a wonderful day!
And we're pleased to hear such good news regarding your health - that's the best present of all (well, besides Stormie's present of a forever home :-).
We're all healthy and hale and full of Turkey - we've been horrible with keeping up with everyone lately, but we're trying to get Mommy back with the program!
Purrs to you all!
Pearl, Bert and Jake
Happy Purrfday Timmy!!! It's not unusual for a cat to not purr alot. Billy rarely purrs.
We are all hanging in there. We are glad that your mommy gotted some vacation time!
Happy Birthday are very handsome.
Happy Birthday Timmy!!!!! Glad you got some roasty chicken for it - that's always on my list you know! ;) Glad your tooths are feeling better too and the heart thingy had good results! All in all you have quite a lot of nice news to share - that's always a good thing...
Happy Birthday, Timmy! Hope you have a purrfect day!
We're sort of new to the Cat Blogosphere...we came in right after Storm went to the bridge but we remember reading all the wonderful tributes to her.
We'll be sure to visit again.
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Happy purrthday Timmy! Hope you get lots of treats!
You are so cute Timmy! We're very glad that you have a new home! Happy Purrfday!!!
Luf, Us
Happy Birthday Timmy!! We are so glad you are adjusting well to your new home with Castle and the Meowmie! And that you are well! You are very handsome in your pictures!!
Hi Castle and Meowmie!! All of us are fine and doing well except for the cold spell FL is having!! It is so nice to hear from you all again!
Your FL furiends,
I am so happy things are going well for all of you :) That first picture is very nice!! We like it a lot :) It's great that Tinny is mostly healthy too. YAY!!
There is not much to report here. We are all much the same and doing much the same. You know, eat, poop, sleep and getting scritches :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Welcome back and happy birthday to Timmy.
I have been doing okay - it's my mom bean that has had all of the health issues. Hopefully we both will do great over the holidays.
Happy Purrthday Timmy, wow 14 is a good age. We is glad to know dat yoor doing well. Mom sez Zippy has purred a handfull of times and yoo can barely hear her. Mostly she just vibrates. We have been mostly just laying around being spoiled. Mom has been busy for almost 3 weeks trapping and caring for a new feral colony. We're gonna write all about it as soon as things have settled.
Happy Purrthday Timmy!
Happy Birthday Meowmie L!
We are glad all is well over there. All is OK here too, Niko has had his share of minor colds and then a UTI too but we are both basically healthy kitties.
We had a lot of invaders at our house this weekend for a late Fanksgiving celebration, but at least Niko got some Turkey out of it- apparently Cloud does not like turkey.
Happy Purrthday Meezer dude!
Happy Purrthday Timmy. May you have many more.
What have I been up to? Not much, hanging out, watching birdies, watching the snow come down, mooching treats from mum, mooching turkey and ham from mum, napping. Isn't that a full life? I think so.
Happy Birthday Timmy!
Napping, eating, napping....yep that's pretty much what we do!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy Purrthday, Timmy! You are a furry handsum fellow! And alla us Ballicai and our Momma are sendin lots of huggies to you and Castle and your Meowmies. We were thinkin about you and Stormie the othur day and been hopin you'd start bloggin again!
We Ballicai are all doin really well but Mom's been superduper buzzy -- she's workin on a novel and has all kinds of stuff goin on, so she hasn't been as good about helpin us Ballicai to blog. But we try to get a post on our bloggie about once a week, and we aren't goin anywheres.
It's wunnerful to see you all -- you are furry speshul to us!
Kittyhugs and purrs and love from MaoMao and alla us!
Happy birthday Timmy. We are so glad you have such a good forever home. We are also glad that your tooth extraction went so well, and that your heart murmur isn't serious.
Not much has gone on with us, except Mom deserted us for a couple of days to visit her cousins in Las Vegas.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Happy Birthday, Timmy! Happy Birthday, Meowmie L! It's really good to hear from you again. I am so glad that Timmy's health is pretty good. Nothing much has changed with me. I am having more trouble finding time to do my limericks, but I keep plugging along.
Dearest Castlepants! I am ever so happy to honor your Timbo on his selected birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIMBO!! Your scars are a badge of courage! it is good to know that you are safe and sound in Castle's forever home now.
As for me, I am wellas can be expected for a senior kitty with a tummy tumor and bad kidneys. Lots of naps and good food and getting my way! Oh and we have kitties out in our garden that we are taking care of now. A beautiful white Hunny Bunny and her white kitten and a Tom cat name Buddy...the cozy garden cottage cats we call them. I wonder if Stormie sent them to us? I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season with lots of fine chicken and good warm napping spots.
All my love Miss Peach
Happy birthday Timmy! We are so glad you found this wonderful forever home! And many purrs to you too, Castle!
We are having two house guests at the moment, as there human is in the hospital for a month. Tomorrow they will get spayed (Luna, 3 month)and neutered (Naughty, 7 month). Tintin plays ALL day long - we are afraid he will very much miss them when they go back home....
You have a wonderful birthday day, lots of treats and attention! Ask your humans to give you some drugs once in a while, hahahahahahahahahahahaha, as they seem to agree with you!
Happy Birfday! We is sendin' you some purrs and headbutts, and hopin' you get lots of good treats. Remember our motto over at the Cheezits--All Food is Good!
We is gettin' new Car Pets. It's not what you fink, tho--turns out that's just big rugs on da floor. Stop by if you want a Holly Day card from us!
Happy Birthday to Timmy!
We have had a furry busy house with baby Iago and sick Cloud Chaser. Bebe and Sara are doing wonderfully and being FURRY tolerant!
Happy belated birthday Timmy! How wonderful that your Mommies were able to go on a vacation! I sure hope they had a wonderful time.
Chase rarely purrs for anyone. If he's in the mood- the AM gets loads of purrs but other than that, nada. I'm rather discerning as well.
Happy purrfthday Timmy. You are one gorgeous meezer and in great shape for your age. Don't worry about purring, I don't purr too often and even then, miewmie has to put her head on my tummy to hear me. What have I been up to ? Well, since it is so wintry and cold, I taken to sleeping on miewmie's bed a lot. Sometimes, I actually move a bit fast especially if I see a skirrel !!
Happy 14th birthday, Timmy! We're glad to hear that you're all healthy and doing well.
We don't have a blog of our own, but we've been having fun playing with some rediscovered toys (they were under the couch) and enjoyed our special Thanksgiving dinners.
Happy Birthday to Timmy! It's so nice to hear that he's doing so well.
Today is Miss Peach's Mommy's Birthday, do drop by and say hello if you can...
Hello dear Castle! Timmy is a beautiful boy but obviously not as beautiful as you! I agree that the best gift Stormie could give is a forever home for darling Timmy. Nothing is new in my life apart from the fact that the human is spending far too much time on facebook and little time on me. I hope things are well and that you give the human hell if she deserts u for a holiday. Honestly, these humans need sorting out!!! xx
Thank you for helping make my Gotcha Day so warm, wonderful, and happy!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Happy belated Purrfday Timmy and Meowmie L! I hope you both had great times! I'm so glad you have good health for your age Timmy and have now got rid of your hurty tooth.
Life goes on much the same here, except I'm missing Pinky, who is in Portugal till after Christmas. I seem to be up all night and asleep all day (no change there then!) and not getting down to writing Christmas cards... No change there either!
Luvzya:) xxx
Happy belated birthday, Timmy!
We're sorry we missed it but we've been offline most of the last 3 weeks.
We're glad your mom got to go to Paris. It probably did her good to get away for a few days.
We hope you are all okay.
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