Well...what better way to remember Stormie than BEING DRAGGED to the Vet Place today for a 'check-up'! A check-up if you please! Not even a valid reason to take me, no injections, nothing wrong with me...just a silly check up!!! I protested SO loudly when Meowmie took me from our home, I screamed like a human baby in great pain...but Meowmie STILL took me to the Vet Place! I tried my best to embarrass her but all she said was "Oh Castle, you are such a big baby, not like your brave sister at all!" So I buried my head into my blanket and howled all the way until Ben Vet took me into his consulting room....for my 'check up'. Ben Vet was very sweet (as usual) and was pleased to see us all, and hoped that we were doing OK.
Meowmie hasn't mentioned it before but I have three lumps around my rear left leg - one of them I have had for years, but the other two are recent discoveries. Understandably, because of Storm's recent illness, the Meowmies were worried. Thankfully though Ben Vet said he was 99% sure they were just fatty cysts. PHEW! My diet is working too...I have also lost some weight - I weighed 6.5kg (14.4lbs) in April and now I weigh 5.84kg (12.8 lbs), so my diet is going very well! Ben Vet was very pleased!
IMPAWTANT: Ben Vet has some very important exams to pass in August so please send him purrs and wish him the best for his tests! He has asked the Meowmies to go out and celebrate with him when he gets his results...Good luck Ben Vet!
IMPAWTANT: Ben Vet has some very important exams to pass in August so please send him purrs and wish him the best for his tests! He has asked the Meowmies to go out and celebrate with him when he gets his results...Good luck Ben Vet!
Today has been incredibly hot in the YooKay..Meowmie went out this afternoon and has come back and is bright red!! Here are some pictures of me and Stormie on a very hot day in May last year...we were out for the count in the coolest room in the house! Meowmie was very worried how Storm would cope with the heat as at the time she was doing her chemotherapy protocol. Stormie was fine though...she coped with heat no problem!

Happy Meezer Monday!

Happy Meezer Monday!
Going to the vet is no fun. But you got all good news, so I think it was worth it :-) Congratulations on your weight loss! Maybe you won't have to be on your diet much longer ;-)
Good luck to Ben Vet during his upcoming exams!
Thanks for the pictures of you and Stormie trying to chill out on a hot day last year. I like to look at her pictures. They remind me that though she has passed, she is still always with us. And that makes me feel good.
dragging you out to the v-e-t is just WRONG. sheesh
we know it's not fun to go to the vet for just a checkup, but that is the best way to keep us healthy. Glad the checkup went well.
That was pretty sneaky of your Mom to take you to the Vet!! I am glad,however, that your lumps do not appear to be much to worry about :) WOOT!!!
Storm was brave because she was The Furry Fighter!! It's Ok for you to howl. A Mancat must show his displeasure at being kidnapped!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Castle, I completely agree with Mickey (above).
A Mancat has a duty, an obligation, to communicate displeasure, especially in being dragged to the vet. Even a nice vet like Ben.
We also enjoy the photos of Stormy, although it still makes us a bit sad, we know she is alive in so many hearts.
Keep it up, dude, you did good.
pee ess: Don't forget our big Triple Mancat Birthday Party on Thursday... all three of us "boys" will become Mancats, officially, with a huge party.
Ooh good luck Vet Ben! :) I agree with you about the heat Castle, but don't try what I did by accident this morning and jump into the shower... Oh no it makes your furs feel all icky and yuck and now everyone says I'm looking a bit like a red hedgehog! :( Stay away from me Mummy I don't wanna photo to remember this with! ;)
I am glad that your check-up went well Castle!
We wish Ben-Vet a lot of luck with his exam, but we are sure he will do well.
Smooches to you and stay cool!
Well done with the weight loss Castle and good luck to Ben Vet with his exams. Those pictures of you and Stormie are lovely. In this hot weather our Mum calls us the Pancake Cats when we lie about the floor, flat as pancakes!
Castle we will have good thoughts for Ben Vet, but I am certain he will do excellently given what excellent care he gives you and gave Storm.
I was so thrilled that you compared me to your beloved Storm yesterday for meezer Monday. I am ever so honored!
Congratulations on your weight loss! And I am very glad that your little leggy is okay. I am sending encouraging purrs to Ben Vet! He is nice, so I think he must do well on his exams.
What wonderful pictures of you and Stormie. I will be purring hard that Ben passes his tests. And congrats on the weight loss, Castle! I knew you could do it!
We sure are glad that your leg cysts are fatty deposits! Congrats on your weight loss too!
Luf, Us
We are very glad those are just fatty deposits. Our Meowm has lots of those! Ha! Ha!
It is very good news that you just have cysts! I'm sorry its so hot I'm not a fan of hot.
I'll bet Stormie *loved the heat - we all do!
Congrats on losing some weight; Mom says I should emulate you! :-/
Sending some purrs to Ben Vet for his exams!
I wish I was warm, it is toasty cold here so I am snuggled on mums bed with the electric blankie on.
Wish Ben Vet good luck!! You will have to ask him to be in a photo with you next time.
Mum says I is on a diet too and in three weeks have lost some weight too, so the vet is pleased with me.
I HATE going to the vet!!!!!!!!
I LOVE seeing old pictures of Stormiekins.
I will send my strong purrrs for BenVet!!
I hope all of you are much cooler now. Here it is also HOT but we have a cold mashine and it makes the house sort of chilly.
love and purrrs always
Sorry you got dragged to the vet Castle, but at least it was all good news!
We'll send purrs to BenVet for his tests.
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement this week.
Mommy Bean Laure
Try to stay cool. It will be near 30 C here starting on Friday! Thankfully we have A/C in the house.
Oh my - We heard Yao-Lin complain about the heat too... it must be really bad! We are sitting in the tub in Africa, having a great time...
We are glad you are o.k. and those lumps aren't anything bad!!!
I am sorry that you got dragged to the vet, Castle, but glad that your check-up was all good news. Congratulations on losing weight. I wish Ben Vet the very best on his exams. I'm sure he'll do very well. I love seeing pictures of Storm.
Congrats on the weight loss! Also, I's tagged you for a meme!
Concatulations on the weight loss! We totally understand why your meowmies are worried about those lumps. Keeping our paws crossed they don't get worse.
Stormie was such an inspiration to us all. Don't get scairt when you go to the vet because she is looking down on you keeping you close to her heart.
Laila and Minchie
Oh man, you lost almost 2 lb. already? You really ARE on a diet, aren't you!
Wowie, what beeyootiful pickshrues of you and Stormie! And conCATulashuns on the weight you've lost!
I'm sorry you hadded to go to the vet but I'm furry glad to hear you had a good checkup! And we will purr and send lots of great vibes to Ben Vet! He sounds like such a great guy!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hey Castle~!
Don't worry~! Me and my brother Lego all yelling to the vet~!
Always make Michico and Pamilla blushing on the Taxi~!
So, keep doing it!
Hi Castle,
It's made me smile to see the photos of Stormie.I miss her alot and think of her often.I'm very happy to here your doing well and I wish Ben vet good luck on his exams...Hugs and Purrs Ariel
i'm glad you lost some weight so hopefully you won't have to diet any more.
we like seeing pictures of Storm, especially you and Storm together.
we're sure Benvet will do great on his exams. after all, he is good enough to take care of you!
thank you so much for the healing purrs while i was sick. i'm sure the good thoughts are what are getting be better so fast. i am lucky to have such great friends.
Hi Castle, have you seen the weather this weekend though - completely the opposite. What happened to the sunshine? FAÛ
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