One day left and then we get to meet Mr Turkey!
Meowmie J is cooking Mr Turkey because she is the best cook and her cooked birds are perfect! Last year Stormie devised a CUNNING PLAN to distract me from Mr Turkey...this year I have Timmy with me and to be honest I am not sure he is as intelligent as Stormie so there will be NO WAY I can possibly miss a morsel of that lovely meat. Wow, a year brings many changes...
This is our first Chrimbo without Stormie, and we know that some of you are also going to miss someone special this year too...but they haven't gone far, we know in our hearts that our Stormie is here with us, especially when Mr Turkey gets served up!
We hope you all have a WONDERFUL Christmas time!
The Meowmies, Castle and Timmy
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Monday, 15 December 2008
Meezer Monday
(dedicated to my sister Stormie)
A happy Meezer Monday to you all!
Today I am going to look back and remember my lovely sister and celebrate one of her milestones. Two years ago on December 16th she was first diagnosed with lymphoma and started treatment, then a year later she decided to celebrate still being alive (and exceeding her 6-9 months of remaining life prediction) by creating the Extra-Ordinary Gold Star Award.
In honour of my sister I am going to revive the award as there are so many new kitties around who deserve this award - and lots of 'old-timers' who do too!
The Extraordinary Gold Star Award was created by my sister Storm, The Furry Fighter - and is for Bloggers who have achieved or done something special. The award celebrates beyond what is ordinary or usual.

1) Post the explanation and rules of the award and link back to the blogger who presented you with the award and repeat the reason why you received it.
2) Pass the Award on to THREE other Bloggers who you fink deserve it and explain why!
So here are my three awardees:
Deb at The Taylor Catssss - for doing so much for the Cat Blogosphere, raising funds for sick kitties and going beyond what is usual in helping others.
ML at Missy & KC - for the exact same reason as above!
Niko & Cloud's Mum & Dad - for being brave and caring and nursing their adorable Texas through lymphoma so carefully...and for giving a home to two wonderful little kittens :)
There are soooooo many more people that deserve this award too, so I hope it manages to get around and bring a smile to those who receive it!
Love Castle Pants (and Timmy Tantrum)
A happy Meezer Monday to you all!
Today I am going to look back and remember my lovely sister and celebrate one of her milestones. Two years ago on December 16th she was first diagnosed with lymphoma and started treatment, then a year later she decided to celebrate still being alive (and exceeding her 6-9 months of remaining life prediction) by creating the Extra-Ordinary Gold Star Award.
In honour of my sister I am going to revive the award as there are so many new kitties around who deserve this award - and lots of 'old-timers' who do too!
The Extraordinary Gold Star Award was created by my sister Storm, The Furry Fighter - and is for Bloggers who have achieved or done something special. The award celebrates beyond what is ordinary or usual.

1) Post the explanation and rules of the award and link back to the blogger who presented you with the award and repeat the reason why you received it.
2) Pass the Award on to THREE other Bloggers who you fink deserve it and explain why!
So here are my three awardees:
Deb at The Taylor Catssss - for doing so much for the Cat Blogosphere, raising funds for sick kitties and going beyond what is usual in helping others.
ML at Missy & KC - for the exact same reason as above!
Niko & Cloud's Mum & Dad - for being brave and caring and nursing their adorable Texas through lymphoma so carefully...and for giving a home to two wonderful little kittens :)
There are soooooo many more people that deserve this award too, so I hope it manages to get around and bring a smile to those who receive it!
Love Castle Pants (and Timmy Tantrum)
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Six Months On...
Today marks 6 months since I last cuddled up to my Stormie, she passed away on June 13th. Stormie, we miss you so much and a day doesn't go by without us thinking about you.
Fittingly it is also The Dedication of Lights Day at VA Siamese Rescue...and our friends Kaze, Latte & Chase over at Simply Siamese have made a dedication to Stormie...we do not think they know the significance of the date for this is a magical coincidence. Thank you.
If you would like to see the dedication it is currently on Page HERE.

We would also like to send our thoughts to all the other families of the Meezers and cats who appear at the Dedication of Lights, we lost some good friends this year xxx
Fittingly it is also The Dedication of Lights Day at VA Siamese Rescue...and our friends Kaze, Latte & Chase over at Simply Siamese have made a dedication to Stormie...we do not think they know the significance of the date for this is a magical coincidence. Thank you.
If you would like to see the dedication it is currently on Page HERE.

We would also like to send our thoughts to all the other families of the Meezers and cats who appear at the Dedication of Lights, we lost some good friends this year xxx
Friday, 12 December 2008
A VERY overdue MeMe!
Our two lovely young friends Niko and Cloud tagged me...and Timmy Tantrum...for the 8 Random Things MeMe, they tagged us WAAAAAAAY back in early November. So here are my 8 Random Things, I suppose I had also let Timmy have a voice and do his too...
1. When I was a still a young kitten I liked to play with eggs. Usually, in the middle of the night, I used to take the eggs from the kitchen and drop them outside Meowmie J's bedroom door. When she got up in the morning she was faced with broken eggs all over the hallway.
2. When I was born my litter mates were as follows: 3 Seal-Point girls (Storm was one of them) and 1 Choc-Point boy.
3. I am the biggest purrer ever, you just have to glance at me and I burst into a purr.
4. I love fuss and cuddles, I can not get enough of them.
5. I once caught a bird!!! When i lived with Meowmie J there was a tiny garden I had access to, I wasn't fussed about going in the garden, but on one of the few occasions that i did, I came back with a HUGE blackbird. It was bigger than me - I was only about 6 months old. Meowmie said that the bird was suspiciously stiff and cold, but i SWEAR it was I who caught it...I definitely DID NOT find it i the bushes!
6. As well as Stormie, I had another housemate called Dubbs, but he was a rabbit. We used to play together (supervised), and Dubbs would often get the better of me!
7. I once won 3 months worth of cat food from a cat magazine for being so handsome.
8. I can fetch like a doggie...but the difference is I know what I am doing whereas a doggie just does it because it thinks it should. Cast are brainier you see :)
Timmy Tantrum
1. I like to chase Castle around. Meowmie J thinks I am bullying Castle, but Castle does chase me back sometimes...and he isn't scared of me or anything, not in the slightest. We haven't hissed at each other for months now.
2. I like to snuffle Meowmie L's hair in the middle of the night - particularly around the crown area...I lick her head when she sleeps sometimes too.
3. I rarely purr, maybe I will purr when Meowmie gets in from work, maybe I will purr when I am fed and sometimes I purr in the middle of the night. It is very rare however - Meowmie has only heard me purr three times in the past week - and those were brief.
4. I am adopted from Siamese Rescue, my last Meowmie was an old lady but she died. It is believed that I was an only-cat in my last home.
5. I am a bit blind, a bit deaf and I have a heart murmur...and a stiff leg sometimes.
6. Every morning, almost without fail, between 6.30am and 7.00am I wake up, go and do a poo and then I sit on the floor by the end of meowmie's bed and make a really funny squawking sound until I am fed.
7. I am not a cuddle cat and I do not like being picked up.
8. Even though I am not cuddly or affectionate, I do show my liking for my new Meowmies and brother by making sure that I am with them no matter what room they are in. I will sleep on the bed with them and I will sit on the sofa with them too. I guess I am still working this strange new family out...!
*(&)*^&^&* PUSHES TIMMY OFF THE COMPUTER (*(&er$:i&**
That concludes our MeMe for today. Due to our tardiness in completing this we won't bother tagging anyone as we are sure we are the very last to do it! If not, please feel free to do the MeMe and let us know!
Have a lovely weekend!
Castle (and Timmy)
1. When I was a still a young kitten I liked to play with eggs. Usually, in the middle of the night, I used to take the eggs from the kitchen and drop them outside Meowmie J's bedroom door. When she got up in the morning she was faced with broken eggs all over the hallway.
2. When I was born my litter mates were as follows: 3 Seal-Point girls (Storm was one of them) and 1 Choc-Point boy.
3. I am the biggest purrer ever, you just have to glance at me and I burst into a purr.
4. I love fuss and cuddles, I can not get enough of them.
5. I once caught a bird!!! When i lived with Meowmie J there was a tiny garden I had access to, I wasn't fussed about going in the garden, but on one of the few occasions that i did, I came back with a HUGE blackbird. It was bigger than me - I was only about 6 months old. Meowmie said that the bird was suspiciously stiff and cold, but i SWEAR it was I who caught it...I definitely DID NOT find it i the bushes!
6. As well as Stormie, I had another housemate called Dubbs, but he was a rabbit. We used to play together (supervised), and Dubbs would often get the better of me!
7. I once won 3 months worth of cat food from a cat magazine for being so handsome.
8. I can fetch like a doggie...but the difference is I know what I am doing whereas a doggie just does it because it thinks it should. Cast are brainier you see :)
Timmy Tantrum
1. I like to chase Castle around. Meowmie J thinks I am bullying Castle, but Castle does chase me back sometimes...and he isn't scared of me or anything, not in the slightest. We haven't hissed at each other for months now.
2. I like to snuffle Meowmie L's hair in the middle of the night - particularly around the crown area...I lick her head when she sleeps sometimes too.
3. I rarely purr, maybe I will purr when Meowmie gets in from work, maybe I will purr when I am fed and sometimes I purr in the middle of the night. It is very rare however - Meowmie has only heard me purr three times in the past week - and those were brief.
4. I am adopted from Siamese Rescue, my last Meowmie was an old lady but she died. It is believed that I was an only-cat in my last home.
5. I am a bit blind, a bit deaf and I have a heart murmur...and a stiff leg sometimes.
6. Every morning, almost without fail, between 6.30am and 7.00am I wake up, go and do a poo and then I sit on the floor by the end of meowmie's bed and make a really funny squawking sound until I am fed.
7. I am not a cuddle cat and I do not like being picked up.
8. Even though I am not cuddly or affectionate, I do show my liking for my new Meowmies and brother by making sure that I am with them no matter what room they are in. I will sleep on the bed with them and I will sit on the sofa with them too. I guess I am still working this strange new family out...!
*(&)*^&^&* PUSHES TIMMY OFF THE COMPUTER (*(&er$:i&**
That concludes our MeMe for today. Due to our tardiness in completing this we won't bother tagging anyone as we are sure we are the very last to do it! If not, please feel free to do the MeMe and let us know!
Have a lovely weekend!
Castle (and Timmy)
Monday, 1 December 2008
Meezer Monday - Happy Birthday Timmy!
Today is Timmy's 14th Birthday - to be honest we are not sure of the exact date because Timmy is adopted, but he was 13 years and 9 months old in September, Siamese Rescue said his birthday was in December but did not know the exact date, so the Meowmies decided that December 1st was a good and auspicious date to celebrate Timbo's birthday (and of course, it is easy to remember). Tonight we will have Roast Chicken and catnip toys to celebrate!
Here are some Birthday portraits of the handsome-but-not-as-handsome-as-me fellow:

Now we need to do a 'catch up' cos Meowmie has been unable to blog lately and then she sort of ended up having an unscheduled break from things. We are back now though and will be doing the MeMe's and things that are outstanding in the next few days or so!
Timmy's tooth extraction went very smoothly, it was very funny when he came home that night, he was a bit high from the drugs and he turned into a very affectionate cat. By the next day though he had turned back into Mr Grumpy and is once again VERY frugal with his purring, in fact he rarely purrs but he doesn't seem unhappy or stressed at all, in fact he seems pretty settled and likes to be with me and Meowmie in whatever room we are in at any given time. Is it weird for a cat to rarely purr? Storm and I would burst into a purr just for being looked at!
Timmy's heart scan revealed nothing of concern so his heart murmur is most likely caused by stiff valves and his blood tests were really good for his age too. Ben Vet had a good look over Timmy whilst he was unconscious and discovered that Timmy's third eyelid in his almost-blind, cataract-ridden, left eye has been torn as some point in the past. We are wondering whether this was done at the same time as the rip on his ear and the scar on his nose - and we are also now wondering whether Timmy was a serial fighter in his younger days. We will never know though...
Meowmie celebrated her birthday a couple of weeks ago, Meowmie J surprised her with a trip to Paris. This meant that Timmy and I were left on our own for a few days for the first time since he moved in with us. The cat-sitter told Meowmie that Timmy was very bold and greeted her at the door and danced around her feet begging for food. Meowmie is now confident that she can take a proper holiday trip again - she hasn't been on a proper holiday since October 2006, basically since Stormie first got ill.
We hope everyone is doing well and that all the kitties on the blogosphere are happy and healthy. When you reply to this post please could you leave us a little update about yourself and what's been happening in your life? And here's wishing our American friends a belated Happy Thanksgiving!
Finally, Meezer Mondays are always dedicated to Stormie, and her gift to Timmy is probably the best one - a forever home, and the love of my Meowmies.
Happy Birthday Timbo! xxx
Here are some Birthday portraits of the handsome-but-not-as-handsome-as-me fellow:

Now we need to do a 'catch up' cos Meowmie has been unable to blog lately and then she sort of ended up having an unscheduled break from things. We are back now though and will be doing the MeMe's and things that are outstanding in the next few days or so!
Timmy's tooth extraction went very smoothly, it was very funny when he came home that night, he was a bit high from the drugs and he turned into a very affectionate cat. By the next day though he had turned back into Mr Grumpy and is once again VERY frugal with his purring, in fact he rarely purrs but he doesn't seem unhappy or stressed at all, in fact he seems pretty settled and likes to be with me and Meowmie in whatever room we are in at any given time. Is it weird for a cat to rarely purr? Storm and I would burst into a purr just for being looked at!
Timmy's heart scan revealed nothing of concern so his heart murmur is most likely caused by stiff valves and his blood tests were really good for his age too. Ben Vet had a good look over Timmy whilst he was unconscious and discovered that Timmy's third eyelid in his almost-blind, cataract-ridden, left eye has been torn as some point in the past. We are wondering whether this was done at the same time as the rip on his ear and the scar on his nose - and we are also now wondering whether Timmy was a serial fighter in his younger days. We will never know though...
Meowmie celebrated her birthday a couple of weeks ago, Meowmie J surprised her with a trip to Paris. This meant that Timmy and I were left on our own for a few days for the first time since he moved in with us. The cat-sitter told Meowmie that Timmy was very bold and greeted her at the door and danced around her feet begging for food. Meowmie is now confident that she can take a proper holiday trip again - she hasn't been on a proper holiday since October 2006, basically since Stormie first got ill.
We hope everyone is doing well and that all the kitties on the blogosphere are happy and healthy. When you reply to this post please could you leave us a little update about yourself and what's been happening in your life? And here's wishing our American friends a belated Happy Thanksgiving!
Finally, Meezer Mondays are always dedicated to Stormie, and her gift to Timmy is probably the best one - a forever home, and the love of my Meowmies.
Happy Birthday Timbo! xxx
Monday, 10 November 2008
Meezer Monday
(dedicated to my sister Stormie)
How I miss my delicate, dainty, ladylike sister...we used to peacefully sleep next to each other, our heads buried in each other's furs, having the bestest cat naps ever, warm and cosy in our safe little ball of Meezerness. This is what I have to deal with now though, a SNORING CAT...I am not impressed.
Meowmie has also not had a decent nights sleep since Timmy arrived as, without fail, he goes to the litter-tray at about 1am and then again at about 6.30am - he is the noisiest Scraper Of Litter ever and wakes meowmie up each time he makes a visit!
Timmy didn't have his tooth out last week cos he definitely has a heart murmur so Ben Vet put him on anti-biotics for 10 days in order to clear up any possible infections and stuff. Ben Vet explained that a heart murmur can increase the risk factor of anaesthetics and he doesn't want to take any chances with Timmy - so the operation is now scheduled for Friday 14th.
How I miss my delicate, dainty, ladylike sister...we used to peacefully sleep next to each other, our heads buried in each other's furs, having the bestest cat naps ever, warm and cosy in our safe little ball of Meezerness. This is what I have to deal with now though, a SNORING CAT...I am not impressed.
Meowmie has also not had a decent nights sleep since Timmy arrived as, without fail, he goes to the litter-tray at about 1am and then again at about 6.30am - he is the noisiest Scraper Of Litter ever and wakes meowmie up each time he makes a visit!
Timmy didn't have his tooth out last week cos he definitely has a heart murmur so Ben Vet put him on anti-biotics for 10 days in order to clear up any possible infections and stuff. Ben Vet explained that a heart murmur can increase the risk factor of anaesthetics and he doesn't want to take any chances with Timmy - so the operation is now scheduled for Friday 14th.
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Timmy on Tuesday
Timmy has a new name is our house at the moment...Timmy Tantrum has turned into Timmy Toothache.
Timmy went for his first visit to our adorable Ben Vet last week and the poor little fellow has got a sore tooth - a frontal lesion - which means that the soft core is exposed and is probably causing him pain. This explains why he doesn't like his chin or cheeks rubbed, he pushes the Meowmies' hands away with his paws (and sometimes nips at them too).
As suspected, Timmy has also got vision problems. He has a big cataract in his left eye, severly limiting his vision. He also has a cataract in his right eye which isn't as big, but will obviously have a negative impact on his visual capabilities. Ben Vet said he will be fine and will adapt as his vision worsens, so we are not operating or anything like that.
And then there is the suspected heart murmur...Ben was listening very hard to Timmy's heart and he heard something irregular, a sort of 'whooosh' sound in amongst the 'flub-dub' sound. This is going to be monitored as ben was not 100% sure about this.
As for his toilet problems (the blood in the poo, and the excessive amount of pooing)...we think this is just due to a delicate stomach and we have therefore changed his food to Royal Canin Sensitivity Control to see if that makes a difference - he certainly seems to be going for a Number Two less frequently now - twice a day instead of four times a day!
We haven't cuddled much and Meowmie hasn't seen us wash each other for a while, but we live along side each other calmly, respecting each other's space (mostly). I am still Top Cat obviously, as this picture verifies:

Anyways, Timmy is off to the Vet Place again tomorrow, if his suspected heart murmur has gone then he will have his tooth out under general aneasthetic, if not then he will come home and take some anti-biotics for a few days and then go back for the operation later next week.
Castle x
Timmy went for his first visit to our adorable Ben Vet last week and the poor little fellow has got a sore tooth - a frontal lesion - which means that the soft core is exposed and is probably causing him pain. This explains why he doesn't like his chin or cheeks rubbed, he pushes the Meowmies' hands away with his paws (and sometimes nips at them too).
As suspected, Timmy has also got vision problems. He has a big cataract in his left eye, severly limiting his vision. He also has a cataract in his right eye which isn't as big, but will obviously have a negative impact on his visual capabilities. Ben Vet said he will be fine and will adapt as his vision worsens, so we are not operating or anything like that.
And then there is the suspected heart murmur...Ben was listening very hard to Timmy's heart and he heard something irregular, a sort of 'whooosh' sound in amongst the 'flub-dub' sound. This is going to be monitored as ben was not 100% sure about this.
As for his toilet problems (the blood in the poo, and the excessive amount of pooing)...we think this is just due to a delicate stomach and we have therefore changed his food to Royal Canin Sensitivity Control to see if that makes a difference - he certainly seems to be going for a Number Two less frequently now - twice a day instead of four times a day!
We haven't cuddled much and Meowmie hasn't seen us wash each other for a while, but we live along side each other calmly, respecting each other's space (mostly). I am still Top Cat obviously, as this picture verifies:

Anyways, Timmy is off to the Vet Place again tomorrow, if his suspected heart murmur has gone then he will have his tooth out under general aneasthetic, if not then he will come home and take some anti-biotics for a few days and then go back for the operation later next week.
Castle x
Monday, 27 October 2008
Meezer Monday
(dedicated to my beautiful sister Stormie)
Timmy has washed me about 3 more times (that Meowmie has witnessed) since the time in the video below, we are slowly getting used to each other. Nothing can ever replace my Stormie though...and I can't ever imagine being so close to another cat like I was with her, I wish she didn't have to leave us so soon. It's a tough time of year coming up, what with Meowmie's birthday. the anniversary of Storm's diagnosis and Christmas approaching fast...they will all be 'firsts' without our Stormie, although we have Timmy , these occasions are going to feel incomplete and a bit empty without our little lady with us. We miss having her by our side, she was one precious little girl.

A happy (and wistful, in our case) Meezer Monday to you all x
Timmy has washed me about 3 more times (that Meowmie has witnessed) since the time in the video below, we are slowly getting used to each other. Nothing can ever replace my Stormie though...and I can't ever imagine being so close to another cat like I was with her, I wish she didn't have to leave us so soon. It's a tough time of year coming up, what with Meowmie's birthday. the anniversary of Storm's diagnosis and Christmas approaching fast...they will all be 'firsts' without our Stormie, although we have Timmy , these occasions are going to feel incomplete and a bit empty without our little lady with us. We miss having her by our side, she was one precious little girl.

A happy (and wistful, in our case) Meezer Monday to you all x
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Timmy on Tuesday
Finally, a bit of pampering! Meowmie was in the kitchen doing some human stuff, but she was a bit suspicious of the silence coming from she peeped through the gap in the doorway and caught Timmy Tantrum washing my neck!!! This is a first...mind you, he hasn't done it since (not that Meowmie has seen anyway) but it is a start, hopefully Timmy will realise that he needs to do this more. I may wash him when he starts to behave a little more like the subordinate he is.
(Meowmie says 'sorry' for the sideways film, but her nearest camera was the cameraphone and for some reason it will only take sideways films).
(Meowmie says 'sorry' for the sideways film, but her nearest camera was the cameraphone and for some reason it will only take sideways films).
Monday, 20 October 2008
Meezer Monday
(dedicated to my much-missed sister Stormie)
Today I firstly want to announce that just before the gorgeous Tiki sadly passed away, he and his housemates at Camie's Kitties presented us with an Award, it is the Butterfly Award and is presented for the coolest blog that the person knows! We are truly honoured...and shall always remember Tiki, who I hope has found Stormie at The Bridge. Thank you to Camie and The Kitties!

Meomwie does not have time to visit 10 blogs today (or tomorrow) cos her workload is just stupid at the moment, so the first 10 people or cats who visit this page and read about my award can have it!
Today I want to remember my sister Storm's dainty, little, lady-like legs, feet and toes...Timmy's legs are thick and sturdy, his feet are big and he thumps around and plods along in the most un-dainty way you can imagine - he looks like a bit of a bruiser at times! Meowmie said that she has never heard a cat make such a racket when playing Herd of Elephants. So, a timely reminder of a beautiful set of lady-like limbs:

Happy Meezer Monday everybody x
Today I firstly want to announce that just before the gorgeous Tiki sadly passed away, he and his housemates at Camie's Kitties presented us with an Award, it is the Butterfly Award and is presented for the coolest blog that the person knows! We are truly honoured...and shall always remember Tiki, who I hope has found Stormie at The Bridge. Thank you to Camie and The Kitties!

These are the Award Rules:
~ Put the logo on your blog.
~ Add a link to the person who awarded you.
~ Nominate 10 other blogs.
~ Add links to those blogs on yours.
~ Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
~ Put the logo on your blog.
~ Add a link to the person who awarded you.
~ Nominate 10 other blogs.
~ Add links to those blogs on yours.
~ Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
Meomwie does not have time to visit 10 blogs today (or tomorrow) cos her workload is just stupid at the moment, so the first 10 people or cats who visit this page and read about my award can have it!
Today I want to remember my sister Storm's dainty, little, lady-like legs, feet and toes...Timmy's legs are thick and sturdy, his feet are big and he thumps around and plods along in the most un-dainty way you can imagine - he looks like a bit of a bruiser at times! Meowmie said that she has never heard a cat make such a racket when playing Herd of Elephants. So, a timely reminder of a beautiful set of lady-like limbs:

Happy Meezer Monday everybody x
Friday, 10 October 2008
Why Humans Are Always Tired...
...well, this is why Humans who share their home with a cat are always tired! The chap in this video decided to film himself and his cat sleeping because he wanted to see exactly what went on during the night...he has used a timelapse camera so the film is just a short one!
Click to see how you can annoy your human throughout the night!
Some cats may not have the opportunity to annoy their Humans throughout the night because some Humans - and you won't believe this - REFUSE to let their cats sleep in their bedrooms with them!!! My Meowmie tried to stop me and Stormie sleeping in her room once but we let her know this was not acceptable by ripping up the carpet outside her room and HOWLING all night.
Have a great weekend everybody! xxx
Click to see how you can annoy your human throughout the night!
Some cats may not have the opportunity to annoy their Humans throughout the night because some Humans - and you won't believe this - REFUSE to let their cats sleep in their bedrooms with them!!! My Meowmie tried to stop me and Stormie sleeping in her room once but we let her know this was not acceptable by ripping up the carpet outside her room and HOWLING all night.
Have a great weekend everybody! xxx
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Awards on Wednesday
I got myself TWO awards to announce! This is truly incredible cos Meowmie hasn't helped me visit at all lately, so we are humbled that people still visit us and think about us. I am going to FORCE Meowmie to make time each week to come and visit you all. She really needs to organise her time more efficiently.
My first award is from the lovely Black Cat and is the Blogging Friends Forever Award. Black cat's friend 'Pinky' is thinking of adopting a cat - you must drop by and encourage him as mush as possible! I have had this award before so will share it with my fiend, Timmy Tantrum. Although they may already have it, I would like to pass this on to Princess, Casey Meezer Diva, Isis, Fat Cat Muffin and Miss Peach.

My second award is from Niko and Cloud, who now live with our old pal Texas's Slaves. This award is the 'I Love Your Cats' Award and we are so happy to get this from these two little adorable balls of fluff! I have to share this one with Timmy anyway, as it was awarded to both of us. We shall pass this on to Kaze, Latte and Chase, Daisy and Harley, Jan's Funny Farm and KC and ML

You know, I am such a nice cat to Timmy, he needs to start being a bit nicer to me though. He just wants to nip me, bat at my back legs and chase me around, which is OK sometimes as I like a game as much as the next nearly-13-year-old-cat, but at other times I just want to chill. Luckily for me, cos he can't quite see properly he loses sight of me if I run from him quickly, and because his ears aren't quite right he mostly can't hear where I am, so he just sits there looking a bit confused sometimes.
I don't think we have mentioned that we think Timmy's vision might not be quite right did we? Well, basically we don't think his periphery vision is very good cos Meowmie dangles toys by the side of his head and he has no idea they are there, plus a couple of times he has hissed and jumped at a cat-size cat statue that my Meowmie has. He also misjudges heights and a few times when he has tried to jump up on the sofa he hasn't quite made it...and vice versa, when he has jumped down from soemthing he lands a bit hard or not quite on his feet, as if he reached the floor sooner than he thought he would! It's not enough of a disability to hinder him though, he still jumps around after wand toys...but Meowmie just has to move them a little slower so he doesn't lose sight of them.
My first award is from the lovely Black Cat and is the Blogging Friends Forever Award. Black cat's friend 'Pinky' is thinking of adopting a cat - you must drop by and encourage him as mush as possible! I have had this award before so will share it with my fiend, Timmy Tantrum. Although they may already have it, I would like to pass this on to Princess, Casey Meezer Diva, Isis, Fat Cat Muffin and Miss Peach.

My second award is from Niko and Cloud, who now live with our old pal Texas's Slaves. This award is the 'I Love Your Cats' Award and we are so happy to get this from these two little adorable balls of fluff! I have to share this one with Timmy anyway, as it was awarded to both of us. We shall pass this on to Kaze, Latte and Chase, Daisy and Harley, Jan's Funny Farm and KC and ML

You know, I am such a nice cat to Timmy, he needs to start being a bit nicer to me though. He just wants to nip me, bat at my back legs and chase me around, which is OK sometimes as I like a game as much as the next nearly-13-year-old-cat, but at other times I just want to chill. Luckily for me, cos he can't quite see properly he loses sight of me if I run from him quickly, and because his ears aren't quite right he mostly can't hear where I am, so he just sits there looking a bit confused sometimes.
I don't think we have mentioned that we think Timmy's vision might not be quite right did we? Well, basically we don't think his periphery vision is very good cos Meowmie dangles toys by the side of his head and he has no idea they are there, plus a couple of times he has hissed and jumped at a cat-size cat statue that my Meowmie has. He also misjudges heights and a few times when he has tried to jump up on the sofa he hasn't quite made it...and vice versa, when he has jumped down from soemthing he lands a bit hard or not quite on his feet, as if he reached the floor sooner than he thought he would! It's not enough of a disability to hinder him though, he still jumps around after wand toys...but Meowmie just has to move them a little slower so he doesn't lose sight of them.
Monday, 6 October 2008
Meezer Monday
(dedicated to my sister Stormie)
Today my Meowmie was searching through her work files on her work pooter when she stumbled upon a picture of....The Meezer Bus! Some of you may remember the day-trip that Stormie organised for beautiful Chey and a group of fellow Meezers...if not, you can read all about it HERE!

Timmy and I are existing in a state of relative calm and acceptance...Timmy still does most of the chasing when we play Thundering Herd of Elephants, and he does like to harmlessly nip and whap a little, he has definitely got a boisterous personality! However, we can in the main quite happily fall asleep within a paw's stretch of each other, and we both now sleep on Meowmie's bed at night - Timmy down by Meowmie's feet whilst I lay in Meowmie's arms (obviously).
This first picture is of Timmy and I in the Donut bed - Timmy joined me briefly on the Donut (he didn't lay down) before stretching out on the Flecta-Bed next door (2nd picture):

Happy Meezer Monday! xxx
Today my Meowmie was searching through her work files on her work pooter when she stumbled upon a picture of....The Meezer Bus! Some of you may remember the day-trip that Stormie organised for beautiful Chey and a group of fellow Meezers...if not, you can read all about it HERE!

Timmy and I are existing in a state of relative calm and acceptance...Timmy still does most of the chasing when we play Thundering Herd of Elephants, and he does like to harmlessly nip and whap a little, he has definitely got a boisterous personality! However, we can in the main quite happily fall asleep within a paw's stretch of each other, and we both now sleep on Meowmie's bed at night - Timmy down by Meowmie's feet whilst I lay in Meowmie's arms (obviously).
This first picture is of Timmy and I in the Donut bed - Timmy joined me briefly on the Donut (he didn't lay down) before stretching out on the Flecta-Bed next door (2nd picture):

Happy Meezer Monday! xxx
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Squirrels on the balcony!
We live on the 11th floor of a block in Central London and almost every day we get squirrels on our balcony! This little fellow greeted Meowmie as she exited our building when she left for work the other morning - he is one of our frequent squirrel visitors and is incredibly tame, just after Meowmie took this photos he tried to jump on to Meowmie's camera-phone. Timmy has yet to see the squirrels but I am sure he will be most intrigued by them when he does eventually spot them.

My meowmie could never eat one (she things they are too cute), but squirrels used to be a popular food source many years ago in the UK, not so much now, however you can still buy squirrel dishes at some traditional British restaurants who specialise in the more adventurous cuts of meat.
Well, if things get totally desperate in the UK with this credit crunch business I guess we won't starve...what with our pigeon visitors too!

My meowmie could never eat one (she things they are too cute), but squirrels used to be a popular food source many years ago in the UK, not so much now, however you can still buy squirrel dishes at some traditional British restaurants who specialise in the more adventurous cuts of meat.
Well, if things get totally desperate in the UK with this credit crunch business I guess we won't starve...what with our pigeon visitors too!
Monday, 29 September 2008
Meezer Monday
(dedicated to my sister, Stormie)
Today I am remembering just how dainty my sister was, and just how much she loved chicken. This following video was filmed about 3 weeks after Storm's second bout of feline lymphoma returned; she had started chemo again but her appetite had disappeared...however, Meowmie tempted Stormie with her favourite chicken and we witnessed The Return Of Chicken Face in our household once more! Meowmie literally had tears of joy running down her face when Stormie'a appetite returned and she ate's just such a shame it didn't last...
My new 'friend' Timmy is not at all dainty when he eats; he scoffs and gobbles his food up very quickly, making piggy-snorty sounds as he hoovers up his food - it's almost as if he doesn't believe he will ever be fed again! Storm and I always used to share our food bowl, even if Meowmie put out two bowls we would eat from the same one. Since Timmy's arrival I have tried, on a number of occasions, to share a food bowl with him but he is just not ready to share, so for the first time in my life, I have my very own food bowl.
Since our big fight a few days ago things are a little calmer; we play chase every day, usually when we have just woken up in the morning and when Meowmie gets home from work in the evening. Timmy still does most of the chasing. Timmy seems a bit more relaxed and even purred last night when I was sat 6 inches from him - that is a first! He is still a bit moody though and is definitely not ready for cuddles yet - we have managed to sleep next to each other a handful of times but it is usually with our backs to each other!
Oh...we know it's a bit early but we would like to draw your attention to the beautiful Christmas Cards that Siamese Rescue are selling this year - click the link on the right at the top of this page. All profits go to caring for Siamese cats in need - Timmy was one of these until my Meowmies gave him a home. There are currently around 10 cats...and a couple of ' the South East UK branch of Siamese Rescue (with many more across the country) which need medical care, feeding, housing, and general looking after...and we all know how expensive looking after cats is! If you want to help Meezers then please purchase some Meezer cards to give out this year! Thank you xxx
Today I am remembering just how dainty my sister was, and just how much she loved chicken. This following video was filmed about 3 weeks after Storm's second bout of feline lymphoma returned; she had started chemo again but her appetite had disappeared...however, Meowmie tempted Stormie with her favourite chicken and we witnessed The Return Of Chicken Face in our household once more! Meowmie literally had tears of joy running down her face when Stormie'a appetite returned and she ate's just such a shame it didn't last...
My new 'friend' Timmy is not at all dainty when he eats; he scoffs and gobbles his food up very quickly, making piggy-snorty sounds as he hoovers up his food - it's almost as if he doesn't believe he will ever be fed again! Storm and I always used to share our food bowl, even if Meowmie put out two bowls we would eat from the same one. Since Timmy's arrival I have tried, on a number of occasions, to share a food bowl with him but he is just not ready to share, so for the first time in my life, I have my very own food bowl.
Since our big fight a few days ago things are a little calmer; we play chase every day, usually when we have just woken up in the morning and when Meowmie gets home from work in the evening. Timmy still does most of the chasing. Timmy seems a bit more relaxed and even purred last night when I was sat 6 inches from him - that is a first! He is still a bit moody though and is definitely not ready for cuddles yet - we have managed to sleep next to each other a handful of times but it is usually with our backs to each other!
Oh...we know it's a bit early but we would like to draw your attention to the beautiful Christmas Cards that Siamese Rescue are selling this year - click the link on the right at the top of this page. All profits go to caring for Siamese cats in need - Timmy was one of these until my Meowmies gave him a home. There are currently around 10 cats...and a couple of ' the South East UK branch of Siamese Rescue (with many more across the country) which need medical care, feeding, housing, and general looking after...and we all know how expensive looking after cats is! If you want to help Meezers then please purchase some Meezer cards to give out this year! Thank you xxx
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Thumpin' Thursday
My new 'friend' Timmy and I have had a couple of fights in the past few days...this morning's fight was particularly 'involved' shall we say. I started this morning's fight. Meowmie was very worried and was going to split us apart during the fight, but then she though it best to let us work through whatever it was we needed to work out between ourselves.
It went like this...Timmy was in the wicker cave and I decided to whap Timmy whilst he sat in there - I had him trapped in the wicker cave and was repeatedly lunging at him and biting him. Timmy then burst forth and pinned me down and bit me...I struggled free, leaving some of my fur in Timmy's mouth, and then we did the side-ways ballet dance and mewled around each other for a while before both attacking each other again a few more times. Timmy then skulked off.
After the fight Meowmie decided to put Timmy in the other room on his own for 10 minutes to try and get things to calm again. Then 20 minutes later (and aided by a few Temptations) we were both settled on the sofa together...we remained like this until Meowmie went off to work. We give the impression that we are closely bonded don't we? Oh, how the camera lies!

Despite our fighting and bad behaviours we have been given an Award by Mr Hendrix! It is the Briliante Weblog Award 2008! I have been given this before so I will graciously give this to my 'fiend' (no, that is not a typo) Timmy. Thank you Mr Hendrix so much for this. I suspect Timmy says thank you too, but he is so rude and ungrateful sometimes that i daren't even let him on here to express anything - he might just swear at you or something - he is quite unpredictable!!!

I will pass this award on to all the Cat Bloggers who haven't yet got it and whose names begins with....'S'. Sorry to be so random but Meowmie is at work and doesn't have time to help me properly pass this on, and we think this has been doing the rounds in our absence (again, not my choice, but Meowmie's, she is always 'busy').
We hope you are all OK and keeping well!
It went like this...Timmy was in the wicker cave and I decided to whap Timmy whilst he sat in there - I had him trapped in the wicker cave and was repeatedly lunging at him and biting him. Timmy then burst forth and pinned me down and bit me...I struggled free, leaving some of my fur in Timmy's mouth, and then we did the side-ways ballet dance and mewled around each other for a while before both attacking each other again a few more times. Timmy then skulked off.
After the fight Meowmie decided to put Timmy in the other room on his own for 10 minutes to try and get things to calm again. Then 20 minutes later (and aided by a few Temptations) we were both settled on the sofa together...we remained like this until Meowmie went off to work. We give the impression that we are closely bonded don't we? Oh, how the camera lies!

Despite our fighting and bad behaviours we have been given an Award by Mr Hendrix! It is the Briliante Weblog Award 2008! I have been given this before so I will graciously give this to my 'fiend' (no, that is not a typo) Timmy. Thank you Mr Hendrix so much for this. I suspect Timmy says thank you too, but he is so rude and ungrateful sometimes that i daren't even let him on here to express anything - he might just swear at you or something - he is quite unpredictable!!!

I will pass this award on to all the Cat Bloggers who haven't yet got it and whose names begins with....'S'. Sorry to be so random but Meowmie is at work and doesn't have time to help me properly pass this on, and we think this has been doing the rounds in our absence (again, not my choice, but Meowmie's, she is always 'busy').
We hope you are all OK and keeping well!
Monday, 22 September 2008
Meezer Monday
(dedicated to my much missed sister, Stormie)
Stormie and I used to cuddle each other all the time, we always spent every single sleepy moment squashed up on the same bed...and then we used to sit side-by-side when not sleeping. I miss her. Here we are cuddling, the second picture was before Storm had lymphoma and she was 'curvy' shall we say!

Timmy now has free run of the home as of 4 days ago. I had hoped that with the rapid progress that Timmy and I had initially made, that we might be cuddling - even just a little - by now. But no. I keep trying to sit with Timmy and try to curl up with him but he swears and curses at me, which is just rude! The closest we have got was about 3 nights ago, I sat myself next to Timmy on the favourite cushion in the house, who then hissed right in my face, but I did not budge, despite the rudeness and aggression. I stared him down and remained next to him for about 20 minutes. Even our furs were touching!!!
Timmy did not live with another cat is his previous home so I suppose he is somewhat curious and nervous of me, he has also appeared jealous of me on two occasions recently - even though Meowmie is very careful that both of us get equal attention during this integration period. I keep trying to make Timmy feel welcome and am being very patient and non-aggressive with him...but I must admit that I did hiss in his face this morning after he kept trying to bite my tail. This is the first hiss I have done in over a week, despite Timmy's regular growling and hssing at me whenever I try to be with him!
The Meowmies are a little worried that Timmy won't ever be happy sharing a home with another cat...but I think they are just anxious to see Timmy truly happy, I can tell that they really like Timmy and want to see him more relaxed around us all. We all just need some more time I is still only week 3 afterall!
PS - Meowmie has got the Feliway diffuser pumping away and is also adding Rescue Remedy to the water.
Stormie and I used to cuddle each other all the time, we always spent every single sleepy moment squashed up on the same bed...and then we used to sit side-by-side when not sleeping. I miss her. Here we are cuddling, the second picture was before Storm had lymphoma and she was 'curvy' shall we say!

Timmy now has free run of the home as of 4 days ago. I had hoped that with the rapid progress that Timmy and I had initially made, that we might be cuddling - even just a little - by now. But no. I keep trying to sit with Timmy and try to curl up with him but he swears and curses at me, which is just rude! The closest we have got was about 3 nights ago, I sat myself next to Timmy on the favourite cushion in the house, who then hissed right in my face, but I did not budge, despite the rudeness and aggression. I stared him down and remained next to him for about 20 minutes. Even our furs were touching!!!
Timmy did not live with another cat is his previous home so I suppose he is somewhat curious and nervous of me, he has also appeared jealous of me on two occasions recently - even though Meowmie is very careful that both of us get equal attention during this integration period. I keep trying to make Timmy feel welcome and am being very patient and non-aggressive with him...but I must admit that I did hiss in his face this morning after he kept trying to bite my tail. This is the first hiss I have done in over a week, despite Timmy's regular growling and hssing at me whenever I try to be with him!
The Meowmies are a little worried that Timmy won't ever be happy sharing a home with another cat...but I think they are just anxious to see Timmy truly happy, I can tell that they really like Timmy and want to see him more relaxed around us all. We all just need some more time I is still only week 3 afterall!
PS - Meowmie has got the Feliway diffuser pumping away and is also adding Rescue Remedy to the water.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Timmy On Tuesday No.2
Hmmm...Number 2....quite appropriate cos Timmy seems almost unable to do his number two's INSIDE his tray! He likes to hang his bum over the side and do his business on the newspaper which the tray sits on. Meowmie even purchased a tray with VERY high sides but he STILL manages to crap over the edge. Next step: covered trays. are me and my subordinate doing then? Well every day there is some sort of breakthrough. The hissing and growling has died right down, and only occurs if one startles the other, or one of us pushes our luck. Timmy remains a bit grumpy/nervy though so he is the one who usually starts the trouble.
We have progressed from spying on each other from separate rooms, to actually sitting within six inches of each other. We have also started playing Thundering Herd of Elephants - no contact - it is very cautious play, whilst we still try to work each other out.
Meowmie has kept us separated whilst she is not here or when she is asleep - but last night Timmy kicked RIGHT OFF and howled and mewled to be set free from his room. So, at 1.30am. 3.30am and 5.30am Meowmie got woken up and let Timmy out so that we could play Elephants for a short while. Timmy isn't being isolated tonight and will have free run of the house along with me, Meowmie needs her sleep.
Here is progress to date in pictorial and video form, as you will see, I have been very, very, welcoming and patient with Timmy, so long as he accepts I am the Boss, we should get along just fine: are me and my subordinate doing then? Well every day there is some sort of breakthrough. The hissing and growling has died right down, and only occurs if one startles the other, or one of us pushes our luck. Timmy remains a bit grumpy/nervy though so he is the one who usually starts the trouble.
We have progressed from spying on each other from separate rooms, to actually sitting within six inches of each other. We have also started playing Thundering Herd of Elephants - no contact - it is very cautious play, whilst we still try to work each other out.
Meowmie has kept us separated whilst she is not here or when she is asleep - but last night Timmy kicked RIGHT OFF and howled and mewled to be set free from his room. So, at 1.30am. 3.30am and 5.30am Meowmie got woken up and let Timmy out so that we could play Elephants for a short while. Timmy isn't being isolated tonight and will have free run of the house along with me, Meowmie needs her sleep.
Here is progress to date in pictorial and video form, as you will see, I have been very, very, welcoming and patient with Timmy, so long as he accepts I am the Boss, we should get along just fine:
Friday, 12 September 2008
Friday Friends
Two of my good friends have been dishing out Awards to my household! My lovely friend Adan in Taiwan has given me the Brilliante Weblog Award. Adan handed me this a while back and because of the recent upheavels in MY house, Meowmie hasn't had time to make the proud announcement! Thank you so much Adan...! I have been given this award before by Yao-Lin too, you can see it just a few posts ago (which, beause of Meowmie's laziness is atually over a month back).
My next award has been given to me by...HOLD ON A has NOT been given to ME, it has been given to TIMMY!!! Well, seeing as Timmy seems a bit grumpy at the moment I will graciously advise him that our favourite movie-reviewing cat Tybalt Prince Of Cats has handed him the Blogging Friend Forever Award! Here you go Timmy...(I got this already, and I fink this has done the rounds Meowmie is pressed for time so Timmy can share my choices of nominees I made a few posts ago). are Timmy and me getting along then...? Well, Meowmie has mostly been keeping us apart in separate rooms with occasional supervised 'viewing sessions'. She divides her time between the two of us and lets Timmy have exploring sessions a few times day of the whole flat (apartment), whilst I am locked in a room. In the past couple of days Meowmie has let Timmy explore freely, with me not locked up...the hissing has almost disappeared but the growling hasn't, and it is usually Timmy who growls. I am actually quite chilled and just sit by, looking bemused at this new, growling, grumpy cat in my home, as you will see from the following video...
We did get close enough to touch noses yesterday morning without any hissing or growling, but then Timmy hissed and we had a little bicker (no contact though). This morning during his exploring time and after some inital growling and grumbling, Timmy settled down on his laurels in the doorway to the lounge, and stared at me, whilst I settled down on my laurels across the room and stared back - we did not hiss or growl for quite some time. This is the first time that Timmy has settled down outside of his room since he has been here.
Meowmie is a little worried though that Timmy doesn't like our home; he does not seem as happy as he was at the Rescue place, and he growls and grumbles at Meowmie now sometimes, he wasn't doing this a few days ago. We have to hope that this is temporary and Timmy is being like this cos he is feeling unconfident, unsettled and possibly depressed too. I am being a good cat and not attacking him or anything...and the Meowmies are giving Timmy the love and respect (and treats!) he we remain hopeful, he is so adorable when he is chilled out and wants a belly rub...apparently!
Have a good weekend everyone xxx
My next award has been given to me by...HOLD ON A has NOT been given to ME, it has been given to TIMMY!!! Well, seeing as Timmy seems a bit grumpy at the moment I will graciously advise him that our favourite movie-reviewing cat Tybalt Prince Of Cats has handed him the Blogging Friend Forever Award! Here you go Timmy...(I got this already, and I fink this has done the rounds Meowmie is pressed for time so Timmy can share my choices of nominees I made a few posts ago). are Timmy and me getting along then...? Well, Meowmie has mostly been keeping us apart in separate rooms with occasional supervised 'viewing sessions'. She divides her time between the two of us and lets Timmy have exploring sessions a few times day of the whole flat (apartment), whilst I am locked in a room. In the past couple of days Meowmie has let Timmy explore freely, with me not locked up...the hissing has almost disappeared but the growling hasn't, and it is usually Timmy who growls. I am actually quite chilled and just sit by, looking bemused at this new, growling, grumpy cat in my home, as you will see from the following video...
We did get close enough to touch noses yesterday morning without any hissing or growling, but then Timmy hissed and we had a little bicker (no contact though). This morning during his exploring time and after some inital growling and grumbling, Timmy settled down on his laurels in the doorway to the lounge, and stared at me, whilst I settled down on my laurels across the room and stared back - we did not hiss or growl for quite some time. This is the first time that Timmy has settled down outside of his room since he has been here.
Meowmie is a little worried though that Timmy doesn't like our home; he does not seem as happy as he was at the Rescue place, and he growls and grumbles at Meowmie now sometimes, he wasn't doing this a few days ago. We have to hope that this is temporary and Timmy is being like this cos he is feeling unconfident, unsettled and possibly depressed too. I am being a good cat and not attacking him or anything...and the Meowmies are giving Timmy the love and respect (and treats!) he we remain hopeful, he is so adorable when he is chilled out and wants a belly rub...apparently!
Have a good weekend everyone xxx
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Timmy On Tuesday!
OK, so we have had Timmy since Friday night but 'Timmy on Tuesday' made a better blog post title. And Meowmie is not unwell...Meowmie was spending lots of time in the bathroom cos Timmy is in there!!!
So, I have got a friend to share my home with and to keep me company during the day...well, unfortunately, we are sworn enemies at the moment, and are in separate rooms, but hopefully he will turn in to a friend/subordinate soon enough.
My Meowmies found Timmy on the UK Siamese Rescue site, his Mummy had died and he had nowhere to go. He is 13 years and 9 months old, has a scarred nose and a torn ear and is a Chocolate Point Siamese - lighter in colour to my Stormie, she was a Seal-Point Siamese. We are not 100% sure if he is used to other cats or not, but time will tell if he can accept me or not.

Timmy is living in the bathroom (just in case he sprayed or missed his litter-tray), he has 3 beds in there, but he prefers the safety of the den that Meowmie made from my pet carrier.
Meowmie kept us separated on Friday night and most of Saturday and because Timmy didn't meow or make any noises, I was completely oblivious to the fact there was another cat in the next room! I did pick up Timmy's smell on the Meowmies and sniffed them for ages though...When Timmy does meow though he has a VERY loud Meezer sqwauk...
On Saturday night I saw Timmy for the first time. We stared for a little while, taking each other in and then much hissing and spitting and growling ensued, started off by me - but we didn't go for each other, and we didn't display any attack-mode body language i.e. flattened ears, lowered body/tail, puffed-up furs.
On Sunday Meowmie left the doors open for short periods of time to encourage some wandering. Timmy is quite happy to stay in his room, he does wander very occasionally though. There was a little incident on Sunday evening - Timmy had wandered into the hallway and had his back to me, so I went up and sniffed Timmy's bum, Timmy spun around and we stared at each other briefly, and then we hissed and then I bapped him on the head, sending Timmy scurrying to his room.
Timmy has been very affectionate and loves to roll around on Meowmie's bed, however, he gets a bit nervy after a hissing session with me and has a little grumbly moan if the Meowmies try to pet him, so they leave him to calm down a little - he is slightly fractious at the moment.
So, in short, apart from hissing/growling when we see each other, I am kind of OK and not at all stressed out that another cat is hidden away in MY home, I have remained pretty relaxed - I am not at all frantic or 'on alert' despite there being another cat in the next room. Timmy on the other hand is nervous and not yet relaxed and I think finding everything a little daunting, he has been through a lot lately - Meowmie is going to keep us separated for a while longer, so Timmy can chill. I can understand he feels disorientated, but he needs to stop growling and hissing at me...and he needs to learn that the Meowmies can be trusted. He could fit in just fine if he follows those two very simple rules!
So, I have got a friend to share my home with and to keep me company during the day...well, unfortunately, we are sworn enemies at the moment, and are in separate rooms, but hopefully he will turn in to a friend/subordinate soon enough.
My Meowmies found Timmy on the UK Siamese Rescue site, his Mummy had died and he had nowhere to go. He is 13 years and 9 months old, has a scarred nose and a torn ear and is a Chocolate Point Siamese - lighter in colour to my Stormie, she was a Seal-Point Siamese. We are not 100% sure if he is used to other cats or not, but time will tell if he can accept me or not.
Timmy is living in the bathroom (just in case he sprayed or missed his litter-tray), he has 3 beds in there, but he prefers the safety of the den that Meowmie made from my pet carrier.
Meowmie kept us separated on Friday night and most of Saturday and because Timmy didn't meow or make any noises, I was completely oblivious to the fact there was another cat in the next room! I did pick up Timmy's smell on the Meowmies and sniffed them for ages though...When Timmy does meow though he has a VERY loud Meezer sqwauk...
On Saturday night I saw Timmy for the first time. We stared for a little while, taking each other in and then much hissing and spitting and growling ensued, started off by me - but we didn't go for each other, and we didn't display any attack-mode body language i.e. flattened ears, lowered body/tail, puffed-up furs.
On Sunday Meowmie left the doors open for short periods of time to encourage some wandering. Timmy is quite happy to stay in his room, he does wander very occasionally though. There was a little incident on Sunday evening - Timmy had wandered into the hallway and had his back to me, so I went up and sniffed Timmy's bum, Timmy spun around and we stared at each other briefly, and then we hissed and then I bapped him on the head, sending Timmy scurrying to his room.
Timmy has been very affectionate and loves to roll around on Meowmie's bed, however, he gets a bit nervy after a hissing session with me and has a little grumbly moan if the Meowmies try to pet him, so they leave him to calm down a little - he is slightly fractious at the moment.
So, in short, apart from hissing/growling when we see each other, I am kind of OK and not at all stressed out that another cat is hidden away in MY home, I have remained pretty relaxed - I am not at all frantic or 'on alert' despite there being another cat in the next room. Timmy on the other hand is nervous and not yet relaxed and I think finding everything a little daunting, he has been through a lot lately - Meowmie is going to keep us separated for a while longer, so Timmy can chill. I can understand he feels disorientated, but he needs to stop growling and hissing at me...and he needs to learn that the Meowmies can be trusted. He could fit in just fine if he follows those two very simple rules!
Monday, 8 September 2008
Meezer Monday
Dedicated to my beloved sister, Stormie.
This morning Meowmie was reminded of one of Stormie's little habits. Stormie used to go to her spot in the kitchen where she could watch Meowmie walk past the kitchen window on her way out to work. Meowmie used to open a couple of the blind's slats so she could look in and see Stormie patiently watching her head off.
If you bigify this picture that Meowmie took from outside the window, you can just see Stormie looking up at the window...I am just in front of her, but I didn't really see Meowmie off that often, unlike Stormie...

I am sorry that we have been absent lately, we hope you are all well. It has been a bit hectic around here and Meowmie has been busy doing running, researching something called 'integration' and generally not helping me, which is pretty selfish really. She has also been feeling Stormie's absence a lot lately and so has been keeping herself busy.
I have also become aware of some noises coming from our bathroom, Meowmie seems to spend a lot of time in there lately...and sometimes she smells a bit funny just after she comes out...Hmmmm, maybe she is feeling unwell?
I am also VERY PROUD to be the recipient of an award from the beautiful and recently married Ariel - a special friend. I was given this award a long time ago and haven't been able to blog about it because of Meowmie's laziness. I would like to pass this on to all of you for being so supportive to us over the past few months, you lifted our spirits when we needed it. Thank you all, love Castle & The Meowmies xxx
This morning Meowmie was reminded of one of Stormie's little habits. Stormie used to go to her spot in the kitchen where she could watch Meowmie walk past the kitchen window on her way out to work. Meowmie used to open a couple of the blind's slats so she could look in and see Stormie patiently watching her head off.
If you bigify this picture that Meowmie took from outside the window, you can just see Stormie looking up at the window...I am just in front of her, but I didn't really see Meowmie off that often, unlike Stormie...
I am sorry that we have been absent lately, we hope you are all well. It has been a bit hectic around here and Meowmie has been busy doing running, researching something called 'integration' and generally not helping me, which is pretty selfish really. She has also been feeling Stormie's absence a lot lately and so has been keeping herself busy.
I have also become aware of some noises coming from our bathroom, Meowmie seems to spend a lot of time in there lately...and sometimes she smells a bit funny just after she comes out...Hmmmm, maybe she is feeling unwell?
I am also VERY PROUD to be the recipient of an award from the beautiful and recently married Ariel - a special friend. I was given this award a long time ago and haven't been able to blog about it because of Meowmie's laziness. I would like to pass this on to all of you for being so supportive to us over the past few months, you lifted our spirits when we needed it. Thank you all, love Castle & The Meowmies xxx
Friday, 5 September 2008
Special Dare for Texas
Texas' Dare

Before he left for the bridge, Texas came up with this Dare. He was too late in handing it in to be included with all the others for voting but as this is a very grave matter we decided to devote this weekend to just do this Dare as an honor for Texas. Here we go:
We, Texas and The Cat Realm, dare you all to do something to raise money for cancer research, especially for cats.
- donate
- volunteer somewhere
- put a link to a site on your blogs
- take the Petey challenge
- those of you with a big non-cat readership go spread the word with human bloggers
- or whatever else you can come up with to help.
Here are some reputable sites you could use
Winn Feline Foundation
The CSU Animal Cancer Center
Do a post about it and let us know where you donated, or volunteered, which link you put on your blog or what else you came up with to help.
Here is your button that you may display if you accept the challenge

Please, please do this for Texas, for Storm, for Rascal, for Petey and all the other furbabies who have suffered with this illness.

Before he left for the bridge, Texas came up with this Dare. He was too late in handing it in to be included with all the others for voting but as this is a very grave matter we decided to devote this weekend to just do this Dare as an honor for Texas. Here we go:
We, Texas and The Cat Realm, dare you all to do something to raise money for cancer research, especially for cats.
- donate
- volunteer somewhere
- put a link to a site on your blogs
- take the Petey challenge
- those of you with a big non-cat readership go spread the word with human bloggers
- or whatever else you can come up with to help.
Here are some reputable sites you could use
Winn Feline Foundation
The CSU Animal Cancer Center
Do a post about it and let us know where you donated, or volunteered, which link you put on your blog or what else you came up with to help.
Here is your button that you may display if you accept the challenge

Please, please do this for Texas, for Storm, for Rascal, for Petey and all the other furbabies who have suffered with this illness.
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Thankful Thursday
Oh I got such a cool award from Jan's Funny Farm! It is the Gold Card Award, and it is given to bloggers who "are always working to make things better for all cats and doggies". Well...thank you everyone over at The Farm! Despite being a Meezer, I do sometimes make the effort to think of others!

I now must give the award to 5 friends. Four of these friends must be dedicated followers of our blog. One should be a new blogger and live in a different part of the world. Each awardee must link back to whomever gave the award. That sounds easy enough, except it is really hard to just pick 5 friends but here we go.
I can't think of many new bloggers who live in a different country to me that are new to reading my blog - cos I am quite new myself. I guess my pal Texas would be the best match for this category, and he is very helpful in sharing knowledge bout his treatment for lymphoma, so he can have the award!
And for the 4 regular readers I am going to choose the following, but I wish I could choose many more:
Mr Hendrix
Camie's Kitties
I am not sure this should be included in a Thankful Thursday, but I keep seeing my Meowmie looking at the following picture...apparently he is a contender for the position of "Castle's Friend (and subordinate)". He is a healthy 13.5 years old and possibly hard-of-hearing (to be confirmed), he has a scarred nose and a torn ear (not as handsome as me then). Sadly his Meowmie died and he needs a new Forever Home.

I have never met a male cat before so the Meowmies are going to go and suss him out and see if he is a good fit, then they have some long, hard thinking to do. We all still miss Storm terribly and need to reassure ourselves that we are not rushing into anything cos we still feel sad. There's no denying though that I am alone rather alot when they are at work though.
The Meowmies were only considering females for the position of "Castle's Friend (and subordinate)" cos they thought that would be best cos that's what I know, but they have since read that integrations are a tad easier between two males, so they are now considering both sexes for my friend...hmmm, we'll see...!
If you have any experience of integrations, please tell us about them in the comments bit!

I now must give the award to 5 friends. Four of these friends must be dedicated followers of our blog. One should be a new blogger and live in a different part of the world. Each awardee must link back to whomever gave the award. That sounds easy enough, except it is really hard to just pick 5 friends but here we go.
I can't think of many new bloggers who live in a different country to me that are new to reading my blog - cos I am quite new myself. I guess my pal Texas would be the best match for this category, and he is very helpful in sharing knowledge bout his treatment for lymphoma, so he can have the award!
And for the 4 regular readers I am going to choose the following, but I wish I could choose many more:
Mr Hendrix
Camie's Kitties
I am not sure this should be included in a Thankful Thursday, but I keep seeing my Meowmie looking at the following picture...apparently he is a contender for the position of "Castle's Friend (and subordinate)". He is a healthy 13.5 years old and possibly hard-of-hearing (to be confirmed), he has a scarred nose and a torn ear (not as handsome as me then). Sadly his Meowmie died and he needs a new Forever Home.

I have never met a male cat before so the Meowmies are going to go and suss him out and see if he is a good fit, then they have some long, hard thinking to do. We all still miss Storm terribly and need to reassure ourselves that we are not rushing into anything cos we still feel sad. There's no denying though that I am alone rather alot when they are at work though.
The Meowmies were only considering females for the position of "Castle's Friend (and subordinate)" cos they thought that would be best cos that's what I know, but they have since read that integrations are a tad easier between two males, so they are now considering both sexes for my friend...hmmm, we'll see...!
If you have any experience of integrations, please tell us about them in the comments bit!
Monday, 18 August 2008
Meezer Monday
(Meezer Mondays - dedicated to Stormie)
Today I want to recall a story about Storm from when she was a kitten. Some of you may have noticed that Meowmie refers to Storm as 'Kormie' sometimes. Well, the reason for this is because one evening when we still lived at Meowmie J's, Meowmie L visited us all and the Meowmies had an Indian take-away and were watching a film. All of a sudden Stormie and I decided to have a mad half-hour and I chased Storm across the living room...Storm launched herself at Meowmie L's lap for safety, not realising that there was a plate of curry there until it was too late. Storm landed with a *SPLAT* in the middle of the plate and then tried to scrabble off the plate, sending curry all over Meowmie L's face and front. The Indian dish that Meowmie L was eating was a Chicken Stormie became Korma-Stormer, 'Kormie' for short.
This is Kormie as a kitten, before her points spread across the whole of her face and her furs were all lovely and white:

Meowmie is definitely on the look-out for a friend for me...I heard her talking to a Siamese Rescue Welfare Officer last night, from what I could overhear there is a likely candidate at the rescue place, and once the vet-check has been carried out and he has the all clear, the Meowmies are going to go and check him out...I am not sure about this at all, this means I will have to SHARE things!!!
Today I want to recall a story about Storm from when she was a kitten. Some of you may have noticed that Meowmie refers to Storm as 'Kormie' sometimes. Well, the reason for this is because one evening when we still lived at Meowmie J's, Meowmie L visited us all and the Meowmies had an Indian take-away and were watching a film. All of a sudden Stormie and I decided to have a mad half-hour and I chased Storm across the living room...Storm launched herself at Meowmie L's lap for safety, not realising that there was a plate of curry there until it was too late. Storm landed with a *SPLAT* in the middle of the plate and then tried to scrabble off the plate, sending curry all over Meowmie L's face and front. The Indian dish that Meowmie L was eating was a Chicken Stormie became Korma-Stormer, 'Kormie' for short.
This is Kormie as a kitten, before her points spread across the whole of her face and her furs were all lovely and white:

Meowmie is definitely on the look-out for a friend for me...I heard her talking to a Siamese Rescue Welfare Officer last night, from what I could overhear there is a likely candidate at the rescue place, and once the vet-check has been carried out and he has the all clear, the Meowmies are going to go and check him out...I am not sure about this at all, this means I will have to SHARE things!!!
Friday, 15 August 2008
Siamese Cats Needing a Loving Home
No, not me...I am OK where I am...despite the distinct lack of treats at the moment, blasted diet! Mind you, I did park myself right IN FRONT of Meowmie last night whilst she ate her dinner and I managed to get 3 mussells as a treat, which I demolished in seconds.
As mentioned yesterday, my Meowmie has been keeping her eyes open for a possible friend for me, during her search she came across a very sad advert from a Breeder - Sharue Siamese - who is in the awful position of having to give up her cats due to her ill-health. The breeder lady is devastated, she has been breeding Meezers for 40 years now and she really loves her cats - they are little furry family members, not business assets!
There are 4 girls and 3 boys that she needs to find homes for. The breeder is looking for Forever Homes where these gorgeous kitties will be much-loved pets, with access to a lap at all times (well, as much as possible). The cats are aged between 2 and 8 years old, vaccinated, wormed etc (they would have to obviously be neutered!) and are free to the right home. There are a couple of younger ones (about 3 months) which are for sale though.
If you feel that you can give a Siamese a loving Forever Home please visit the website and go to the contact page and give them a ring for further details.
Here are a selection of pictures from Sharue Siamese...

As mentioned yesterday, my Meowmie has been keeping her eyes open for a possible friend for me, during her search she came across a very sad advert from a Breeder - Sharue Siamese - who is in the awful position of having to give up her cats due to her ill-health. The breeder lady is devastated, she has been breeding Meezers for 40 years now and she really loves her cats - they are little furry family members, not business assets!
There are 4 girls and 3 boys that she needs to find homes for. The breeder is looking for Forever Homes where these gorgeous kitties will be much-loved pets, with access to a lap at all times (well, as much as possible). The cats are aged between 2 and 8 years old, vaccinated, wormed etc (they would have to obviously be neutered!) and are free to the right home. There are a couple of younger ones (about 3 months) which are for sale though.
If you feel that you can give a Siamese a loving Forever Home please visit the website and go to the contact page and give them a ring for further details.
Here are a selection of pictures from Sharue Siamese...

This is not me in this picture, those are Meezer boobs, not Meezer fat! Anyway, I think I have found my Face Twin though!

Thursday, 14 August 2008
I've got an Award! It is from HRH Yao-Lin, my darling sister's Face Twin. For Yao-Lin to hand me this Brillante Weblog award, well, it is truly an honour. Yao-Lin has given it to me for the resolute way in which I have carried on, despite the loss of my sister.

Thank you Yao-Lin...I miss Stormie a lot and still call for her from time to time. The hardest part of the day is when Meowmie is at work and I am alone. I am not shy in showing my displeasure at being left alone, I yowl at them upon their return until I get cuddles and attention. My voice has changed since Stormie left too - much more Siamese-y and yowl-y. And I cuddle my meowmies differently as well...I like to tuck my head into the crook of their arms, like how I used to bury my head in the curl of Stormie's body when she was cuddling with me in the 'prawn' position. This is me, almost tucking my head into Stormie, I decided to gaze upon her beauty instead.

I would also like to point out that Meowmie will not be getting one of the kittens in the post below to keep me company. Although she loves Thomasina's kittens it is just not practical because Meowmie J is very allergic to 'regular' cats. Meowmie J can just about manage (with histamines) hypo-allergenic cats, like myself. However, should time pass and it becomes obvious I need a friend to spend my days with, the Meowmies are not ruling out finding me an older friend from one of the hypo-allergenic breeds...hmmm, not sure I would be too happy about that! I will never love another like how I love Stormie.
Anyways, I digress, I am going to pass the Brillante Weblog Award along to Moki, Isis and The St. Louis Meezers!
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Wordy Wednesday
Here are the latest pictures of darling little Thomasina's kittens which my meowmies visited at the weekend, when the kits were 5 days old, their eyes were still glued shut with gunk but, yesterday, when they reached 8 days old, their eyes opened!
The little ginger one (Tigger) is the most active and adventurous one, not long after opening his/her eyes he started to try and whap his mother's tail, but being a clumsy little kitten whose feet seem too heavy for him/her to lift up properly, he/she didn't quite manage a whap, he/she appears to be waving slowly at his/her Mum's tail as opposed to whapping it!

Piglet the little black tabby, has a voracious appetite and just eats and sleeps and eats and sleeps, constantly suckling from his/her mum. Mum cat seemed most attached to this one - when we picked up the kittens to look at them Mum just remained laid back and watchful, but when we picked up Piglet, she got up out of the nest and had a concerned look on her face. Pooh also has 7 toes on one foot - one is a dewclaw which looks like it might fall off, it is tiny and only attached to the foot by the tiniest slither of skin - EW!!! Piglet has HUGE feet compared to the other two.

Pooh, the little grey tabby, is similar to Piglet in that he/she eats and eats and eats. Pooh gets the hiccups afterwards too and the force of the hiccup shakes his/her whole body, it is quite alarming to see a kitten with hiccups! Pooh is also a wriggler and is constantly on the move all over and around his mum.
The little ginger one (Tigger) is the most active and adventurous one, not long after opening his/her eyes he started to try and whap his mother's tail, but being a clumsy little kitten whose feet seem too heavy for him/her to lift up properly, he/she didn't quite manage a whap, he/she appears to be waving slowly at his/her Mum's tail as opposed to whapping it!

Piglet the little black tabby, has a voracious appetite and just eats and sleeps and eats and sleeps, constantly suckling from his/her mum. Mum cat seemed most attached to this one - when we picked up the kittens to look at them Mum just remained laid back and watchful, but when we picked up Piglet, she got up out of the nest and had a concerned look on her face. Pooh also has 7 toes on one foot - one is a dewclaw which looks like it might fall off, it is tiny and only attached to the foot by the tiniest slither of skin - EW!!! Piglet has HUGE feet compared to the other two.

Pooh, the little grey tabby, is similar to Piglet in that he/she eats and eats and eats. Pooh gets the hiccups afterwards too and the force of the hiccup shakes his/her whole body, it is quite alarming to see a kitten with hiccups! Pooh is also a wriggler and is constantly on the move all over and around his mum.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008
The Needs MeMe
I spotted this MeMe over at The Cat Realm and I liked the look of it so am going to play along!
The rules: All you have to do is Google your first name with the word "needs" behind it and post the results. Don't forget to tag (if you are the tagging sort)!
So, I Google'd "Castle needs" and got the following:
Castle needs Permission I don't! I am a Meezer
Castle needs a New King
Hmmm....we don't have Kings in this household
The rules: All you have to do is Google your first name with the word "needs" behind it and post the results. Don't forget to tag (if you are the tagging sort)!
So, I Google'd "Castle needs" and got the following:
Castle needs Permission I don't! I am a Meezer
Castle needs a New King
Hmmm....we don't have Kings in this household
Castle needs a princess
I already have my good friend "Princess" so I don't need another one.
Castle needs one what? one chicken? yup!
Castle needs to earn it's keep
Ur...I don't think so. May I remind you, yet again, that I am a Meezer. And don;t call me 'It'!
Castle needs 6ft clear at the rear and 4 foot at the sides.
Are you trying to suggest that i am FAT?
Castle needs major expenditure.
Oh yes, I am Meezer, only the best will do.
Castle Needs our special attention.
Gosh...this is another one where is just answer "Of course, I am Meezer!"
Castle needs artefacts
Only if they are made from chicken or turkey
Castle needs one what? one chicken? yup!
Castle needs to earn it's keep
Ur...I don't think so. May I remind you, yet again, that I am a Meezer. And don;t call me 'It'!
Castle needs 6ft clear at the rear and 4 foot at the sides.
Are you trying to suggest that i am FAT?
Castle needs major expenditure.
Oh yes, I am Meezer, only the best will do.
Castle Needs our special attention.
Gosh...this is another one where is just answer "Of course, I am Meezer!"
Castle needs artefacts
Only if they are made from chicken or turkey
Castle needs saving
Yes! Save me from this starvation diet that I am on! Feed me! Help me!
Monday, 11 August 2008
Friday, 8 August 2008
Just wanted to share the news that a very special kitty that we know has just given birth to 3 beautiful little kittens. Mother and babies are doing well...the kittens were born on Monday morning, so they are only 5 days old!

My Meowmie is going to visit the mother and babies tomorrow, I am not entirely happy about this. I don't understand why she needs to visit OTHER cats when she has me to shower with love and affection! It's funny how she finds time for kittens, but won't find the time to help me visit my blog friends!
I think I will buy her this toy for her next Birthday present...not sure I can wait until November though, I have a point to make and I need to make it NOW!

Have a good weekend everybody x

My Meowmie is going to visit the mother and babies tomorrow, I am not entirely happy about this. I don't understand why she needs to visit OTHER cats when she has me to shower with love and affection! It's funny how she finds time for kittens, but won't find the time to help me visit my blog friends!
I think I will buy her this toy for her next Birthday present...not sure I can wait until November though, I have a point to make and I need to make it NOW!

Have a good weekend everybody x
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